Saturday, May 31, 2014

East Wind Catering Hall, Long Island

dear friends of ours
got married months & months ago
and had their wedding
at Easy Wind.

The whole place was super impressive-
i wish there was more to show you
but we had too much fun 
so these were all the scenery shots
i captured.

Thanks for a lovely time, East Wind!

Love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

the correct use of herbs, part 4

(i love that)

on with the conclusion of the herb summary in Jude's Herbal Home Remedies!

Rose Hips
Sheep Sorrel
Shepherd's Purse
Slippery Elm
Solomon's Seal
Sweet Woodruff
Tag Adler

Monday, May 26, 2014

the correct use of herbs, part 3

(took this from here )

from Jude's Herbal Home Remedies:


  • use the root
  • has estrogen properties so use during and after change of life
  • use for all blood and bronchial problems

Marsh Mallow
  • use the root
  • soothes inflammations and irritations of the urinary and alimentary systems
  • will dispense throat tickle.

  • flowers and leaves are used
  • used for bronchial problems, inhibits bacteria growth, antibiotic properties


  • use leaves and upper part of plant
  • used to relieve arthritis pains


  • use in small doses to help stomach disorders and digestion
  • use in a small dose ONLY


  • whole herb
  • mild expectorant, for colds and asthma
  • good tonic for the heart


  • use leaves
  • relieves stomach
  • stimulates uterine muscles


  • leaves and flowering tops are used
  • removes hardened mucus from alimentary and bronchial systems
  • used for stomahc discomfort


  • roots and leaves are used
  • antiseptic properties
  • removes toxins from system


  • early shoots, roots and berries are used
  • the chemotherapy of the herbs, strong purge
  • duplicates effects of cortisone which stimulates entire glandular system
  • violent laxative and diuretic to clean the whole system

(this is ironic because chemo doesn't make you poop. it keeps it all in.)

Prickly Lettuce

  • leaves and gum are used
  • strong sedative to treat insomnia
  • removes hardened excretions from the bronchial system


  • use the herb above the ground
  • good cleanser for kidneys


  • leaves and fruit are used
  • stimulates kidneys and soothes uterine muscles, known as a woman's herb
  • roots are known for astringent properties

Red Clover

  • flowering tops are used
  • great blood purifier and tonic
  • skin disorders caused by impurities of the blood so take the tea on a regular basis if you are not allergic

Sunday, May 25, 2014

my 'miracles' project

the problem that i am having:

i would love to go back to work as a school counselor.


  • i am sometimes bored at home (i can keep myself busy, but it's not the same anymore)
  • i miss having to hyper-organize everything
  • i want to be able to talk about interesting days
  • the money wouldn't be a bad thing
  • i would love to use the diploma on my wall
  • it would help open the doors to other opportunities

when did things go wonky...
  • one person in the d.o.e who will remain nameless, decided to execute a harassment agenda on the entire school and i was one of his "victims".
  • that person told me that if i left the school he would give me a good letter of recommendation because i didn't belong there.
  • even though i was being harassed and bribed, he decided to "terminate" me based on one bad "d.o.e. grade" that the superintendent signed off on
  • that paper clearly noted, from the state of new york that it was NOT to be used for guidance counselors.
why did they go wonky...
  • i have no idea.
  • this person had to "step down" from his position a few months later, because he harassed the daughter of an NYPD detective!
  • i lost my "case" and even though i spent the money to get a copy of the taped transcript, I NEVER GOT IT...
  • possible conspiracy theory?
alright, miracles.
let's get started!

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

ps- my comments box is a great place to anonymously write a problem/situation you would like a miracle to happen with!

Saturday, May 24, 2014


i don't know how miracles happen, 
but i know that they do.

i know that everything people dream about
at the highest level
is supposed to happen, but i have no idea how.

i have read the secret, the magic, the power, the hero, etc...
yeah, i still have no idea.

we are all such tiny miracles, 
the world is a miracle, 
everything was meant to happen as it should be.
we are meant to overcome obstacles placed before us.

we are meant to live in the present moment,
and be happy and thankful for each and every moment 
in our life. 

i am reading this book called, 
"Make Miracles in Forty Days" 
by Melody Beattie.

the first activity in the book is to write a detailed description 
about a situation or problem you are having, 
include all details, like when it started and how you've tried to fix it...
do this activity about a half an hour after you wake up
(ideally with juice, but i prob won't be able to do this RIGHT when I wake up)

Give this activity fourty days before you quit it.
Somehow this creates a miracle.

Will you try this with me?

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Friday, May 23, 2014

the juice chronicles

this was one of my 
favorite juices to create.

i had no idea it would come out
teenage mutant ninja GREEN
but i should have figured!!
-golden beet
-green apples
- ginger

and it was DELISH!!

what yummy juice did you create today?

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Thursday, May 22, 2014

about vaccines, part 3...

"The practice of immunization in the united States has, for the most part, been accepted without opposition. The public has been intimidated by scare tactics and guilt either to immunize their children or be labeled negligent parents."

"The fluoride issue is a good example. Fluoride was thought to be an effective treatment in decreasing the number of dental cavities in children. This knowledgeable was implemented by fluoridating our drinking water. On the surface, this seems like a good idea, until we think about the real causes of tooth decay. The causes vary- from improper nutrition or oral hygiene to genetics or other factors. However, lack of fluoride is not a cause. Fluoridating drinking water is a means of treating the symptom rather than the cause of the problem."

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

tuesday craftiness, part 10

i know it's may
but i love to look back
at all the beautiful things
my mom has made over the years!

this one even has a
crocheted flower on the hat
kinda like something
they might have had
in the 1920s.

i don't know if you can tell,
but she used a black material
with glittery bits
threaded all into it.

love love love it.

hope y'all do, too!

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Monday, May 19, 2014

the correct use of herbs, part 2

part to from Jude's Herbal Home Remedies!

  • use flowers
  • tea is used internally and externally 
  • has been used to stop bleeding, is antibiotic and heals wounds
  • treats chest ailments and craps, flu, stomach problems and to induce swelling to bring down fever


  • leaves and flowering tops
  • treat colic or flatulence


  • tea made from celery eases the tummy
  • used as a sedative
  • always use fresh celery


  • flowers and the upper hald of the plant are used
  • calmative and sedative
  • treats headaches, cramps and other gastrointestinal disorders


  • flowers
  • used as sedative and general tonic
  • used as a diuretic

Clary Sage

  • leaves and seeds are used
  • used for eye disorders, clears sediments from liver and kidneys
  • good for nausea and colic treatment


  • the entire herb
  • strong diuretic, used to dissolve deposits in the kidneys


  • use the leaves
  • this herb binds to toxins in the system and helps to eliminate them, great expectorant

Corn Silk

  • great diuretic, used to clean the urinary system and as a tonic for the whole system


  • use roots and leaves
  • use as a general tonic, as well as for liver and bladder complaints


  • use leaves, fruits and flowers
  • elder flower tea is an excellent diuretic, use for feverish colds


  • use seeds if you have a tendency toward kidney stones
  • use in a rinse for eyes


  • use all parts
  • aids digestion and helps calm nervous stomach, increases milk production
  • use seeds
  • soothes lining of stomachs and intestines

  • use the root
  • considered a near cure-all.
  • used as a tonic for all systems of the body and as an aphrodisiac

  • use the root
  • helps in ailments of both the stomach and liver

  • use flowering tops and leaves
  • use for bronchial and stomach disorders, good for sore throats and colds, an expectorant

  • use roots and leaves
  • leaves can be used uncookes in salads or cooked as a side dish
  • an emollient
  • good to use during colds, or if prone to kidney stones

Irish Moss
  • use dried plant
  • bronchial disorders, kidney problems
  • use in cough syrups

  • contains iodine
  • use to purify blood as well as for goiters

Kidney Beans
  • tea made from the beans and pods is considered to be of a diuretic nature
  • helps to clean kidneys and ureters of gravel

  • use the flowers for a pleasant, sedative tea
  • use for releasing tension and headaches

Lemon Balm
  • use the leaves
  • make a tea with a sedative action
  • use to induce sweating to reduce fevers
  • regulates menstruation

Sunday, May 18, 2014

alkaline water vs. acidy drinks

I've been researching alkaline vs. acidity for a while now and there's no mistake for which one is better for you. I have been drinking alkaline water for about 5 months now and I feel fantastic, and don't crave coffee, sugary drinks, or need energy jumps throughout the day.

A little article about this, I found here! :

Water is a very powerful tool for improving and maintaining health. Alkaline antioxidant water is unlike any other water because it is more than just “water.” It's a health drink. Daily use of alkaline antioxidant water may be the best form of natural health maintenance and improvement you can adopt.

Structured alkaline antioxidant water contains greater concentrations of ionized H20 molecules which have been restructured through electromagnetic means in a way that creates a greater probability of physiologically desirable “cluster” sizes. This causes more free electrons to be available in the water as well as greater hydration potential. The “free” electrons can act as antioxidants while the six sided or “hexagonal” water molecule clusters enhance the proper hydration of our cells. All of this results in many patients feeling a generalized sense of well-being and improved health when they drink alkaline antioxidant water. These 6-sided clusters found in ionized, structured, alkaline water appear to allow for the fastest internal rehydration possible.

Alkaline antioxidant water is produced through means that favor the development of 6-sided water molecules resulting in what we call hexagonal water. Hexagonal water is water which has undergone hydrogen bonding which favors its peculiar structure and energy state. In water such as regular tap water or water from municipal water sources, you can get structures involving up to 12, 13, 16 or greater number of water molecules. Such water does not promote optimal health in the same way that hexagonally structured water does.

Alkaline antioxidant water can increase the general efficiency of all systems of the body. There are many benefits to this. One of the benefits I appreciate most is that alkaline antioxidant water is many times more hydrating and better tasting that tap water. That's one of the greatest things I have identified because people will drink more water. It's smooth, refreshing, and satisfying.

The percentage of hexagonal units found in water, as well as their stability, appears to depend on a number of factors, including toxin levels, mineral content, motion, and energetic influences that water is exposed to. For example chlorine, fluoride, and many pollutants typically found in municipal water sources decrease the ability of water to form significant numbers of hexagonal units. Tap water typically has a very low percentage of these structures. By switching from tap water to alkaline antioxidant water, one may greatly improve the functioning of the body by supplying it with truly rejuvenating, clean, healthy water.

The hexagonal water affects health by improving the body's ability to use the water effectively. With alkaline antioxidant water, the water is also purified. Substances commonly added to municipal water, such as chlorine, are removed from alkaline antioxidant water before the water is consumed. The alkaline antioxidant water processor removes many harmful toxins from drinking water for good.

Water is a very dynamic substance. When we take the water through the ionization process, we cause changes that occur in a fraction of a second. We create an energetic effect which causes the water to be structured in a way that improves the body's ability to use the water optimally and maximize the benefits of the water.

You get better interaction from vital enzymes, vitamins, structural, and antioxidant molecules because all of these substances operate in a water environment. The better the quality of the water, the better it is for the body.

The effects of this may be seen in many ways including improved sleep, enhanced sense of well-being, better exercise endurance, improved elimination of cellular wastes, clearer thinking, increased overall hydration, less discomfort, better skin health, and enhanced overall health.

People are able to produce alkaline antioxidant water in the comfort of their own homes. Some of the processors used to produce alkaline antioxidant water offer a filtration system that is 50 percent better than what is used in hospital or compounding pharmacies today.

Alkaline antioxidant water is nature's best. It's the kind of water you find flowing freely from many of the world's best natural springs.

Modern lifestyle, diets, and pollution promote acidic metabolism in the typical individual. Having a mild and harmless alkaline influence in the form of water can go a long way in buffering and protecting one's health against the harmful chronic effects of an acidic metabolism. Alkaline antioxidant water can help you resist disease and slow the aging process. In the body, alkaline water helps to buffer a chronic state of acid stress.

This improves the body's ability to maintain good health and proper overall functioning. Therefore we would expect to observe the helpful benefits of increased ionization and alkalinity in a combination which would include the effects of antioxidants, the micro clustering of the water, the alkalinity of the water, and the improved taste and texture of the water.

People often ask me if there is any instance in which the alkaline antioxidant water would be less than beneficial. Individuals with cervical spinal stenosis should not drink alkaline antioxidant water.

If you are a normal individual, I sincerely do not think you could drink too much properly produced alkaline antioxidant water. You should start out with alkalinity at near neutral levels then gradually increase the alkalinity as your body demonstrates tolerance to the alkaline antioxidant water. I have been watching peoples' reactions to alkaline antioxidant water for months and I have not seen anyone have a problem except two patients with cervical stenosis.

If a person starts out slowly and follows the basic guidelines, as well as consults one's physician if he or she is on any type of medication, I believe the water will offer very good and beneficial results. I advise most people to drink about six glasses per day. I believe the proper use of alkaline antioxidant water is the single most important thing that one can do for his or her health.

(The above article appeared in “HEALTH NEWS” - Vol. 18 No. 6, Tel: (800) 597-2585; Web: <> - Email:

Dr. Raymond Dent states - “Alkaline antioxidant water can help you resist disease and slow the aging process.” - and also, “Alkaline antioxidant water is nature's best. It's the kind of water you find flowing freely from many of the world's best natural springs.”

Saturday, May 17, 2014

what i want: the welles step

Seven Advantages of Squatting

  1. Makes elimination faster, easier and more complete. This helps prevent "fecal stagnation," a prime factor in colon cancerappendicitis andinflammatory bowel disease.
  2. Protects the nerves that control the prostatebladder and uterus from becoming stretched and damaged.
  3. Securely seals the ileocecal valve, between the colon and the small intestine. In the conventional sitting position, this valve is unsupported and often leaks during evacuation, contaminating the small intestine.
  4. Relaxes the puborectalis muscle which normally chokes the rectum in order to maintain continence.
  5. Uses the thighs to support the colon and prevent straining. Chronic straining on the toilet can cause hernias, diverticulosis, and pelvic organ prolapse.
  6. A highly effective, non-invasive treatment for hemorrhoids, as shown by published clinical research.
  7. For pregnant women, squatting avoids pressure on the uterus when using the toilet. Daily squatting helps prepare one for a more natural delivery.

Friday, May 16, 2014

the juice chronicles

i'm a little insane when it comes to my juice.
most days i juice once.
when i'm home, twice.

there's a constant stock of various juices
in my fridge
to boost my immunity throughout the day!

it's an addiction
and one i'm happy to have!

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Thursday, May 15, 2014

navel expo

what a great time my friends and i had at the navel expo!
it's really sparked a bigger passion in me on my pursuit of everything health and wellness.

i have so much to tell you about it...

like how i sipped bentonite clay (not a good idea! just gulp it down!)

like how i met interesting people...

how many more items are on my to-buy list is crazy!!
(like a vitamix, please!!!!)

hope to see you there next year!

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

tuesday craftiness, part 9

i call this "art"

it was my first time
creating something
by melting non-toxic
crayons <3

i hope y'all like it!

if you have any other ideas or suggestions i can
try, please send them along!
i love what you have sent me
so far, and do my best to try to
keep creating!

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Monday, May 12, 2014

to detox!

what would detoxify your liver and why!

  • taurine: "

Taurine is the amino acid of anxiety control and stress management because it will lower cortisol and helps people be less anxious. The benefits of taurine don’t stop there. It also improves athletic performance and reaction time, making it useful for athletes.
  • It supports insulin health, can prevent diabetes, and elevates energy production. Taurine is a potent brain nutrient, lowers blood pressure, protects the heart, helps with detoxification, and fights inflammation. Sounds like we could all use a little extra!
    It’s best to lay the building blocks for success before you start taking taurine because this amino acid is an excellent addition to a protein-rich diet and supplement plan that ensures you aren’t deficient in any of the essential nutrients. For example, be sure your omega-3 to -6 fat ratio is balanced because this will help taurine work its magic.

    This article will focus on the ten best benefits of taurine for a lean body composition and excellent health. Taurine can give you that extra boost by improving your mood, motivation, and helping you feel all around better.

    1)    Take Taurine For Less Stress
    Stress will kill you. And make you fat and unhappy. Even the most serene individuals often say they’d like to have less stress in their lives. Taurine can help us get there.

    Taurine is an amino acid that calms the nervous system by facilitating the production of the neurotransmitter GABA, which stands for gamma-aminobutyric acid. By helping to raise GABA levels, taurine will allow your body to manage anxiety so that your thoughts don’t go spiraling out of control and you don’t get the associated cortisol and adrenaline spikes that go with anxiety and stress.

    Research shows that taurine supplementation can lower anxiety in stress-producing situations, thereby allowing for greater work output and performance. One study in Advances in Experimental Medicines and Biology found that giving rats a taurine treatment prior to an anxiety-inducing exercise maze resulted in less anxious behavior and better speed through the maze a rat group that were given a placebo.

    A second study in Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior found similar results in that taurine lowered anxiety and increased performance on a test that combined cognitive and physical elements. In this study, also performed on rats, found that those that received the taurine demonstrated greater social interaction, which as an indicator or less stress and anxiety.

     If you have low taurine, your nervous system will be over-responsive to stress. A chronically excited nervous system means persistently high cortisol, and naturally, fat gain. If you have any experience with fat loss, you know that the body is most agreeable about giving up its fat stores when it is calm and not stressed or overly stimulated. The simple stress-lowering effect of supplementing with taurine will help you improve body composition and lose weight.

    2)    Eat Meat For Best Results With Taurine
    Taurine is an organic acid that is derived from the amino acid cysteine. There is some debate as to whether taurine should be classified as an amino acid because it does not contain a carboxyl group in its molecular structure. In fact, taurine behaves more like a neurotransmitter because of how it calms the nervous system, and the key point is that getting an adequate amount will make you healthier.

    Taurine can be synthesized in the pancreas if sufficient cysteine is available. For best results you should get taurine in the diet and take a supplement. Resistance trainees and athletes will deplete this nutrient since it is involved in fat use for energy production and stress management. For example, baseball pitchers and track throwers tend to be deficient in taurine and magnesium due to all the high velocity throws they perform.

    Foods that are natural sources of taurine are meat and animal products such as seafood, meat, milk, and eggs. Vegetarians and vegans are known to be chronically deficient in taurine. One of the worst things about nutrient deficiencies associated with the vegan diet is that their lack of taurine will them very anxious. With the added stress and over-stimulated nervous system that goes with taurine deficiency, vegans are in for a rough time.

    A supplement will help non meat eaters, but including organic grass-fed and wild meats and animal products is suggested because this will also provide a nice dose of DHA and EPA omega-3s. Plus, you’ll get extra carnitine (essential for fat burning and works synergistically with taurine),  creatine (great for body composition and performance), and conjugated linoleic acid (helps prevent prostate and breast cancer).

    Doses of up to six grams a day of taurine have proven to be very effective in protecting heart function. Smaller doses are typically used to improve brain function and prevent epilepsy.  Two to three grams a day is a safe place to start, and you can increase intake up to six grams. There’s no evidence of negative health effects from supplementing with taurine.

    3)    Take Taurine to Burn Fat
    Taurine is stored in the gallbladder in bile, and it helps the body digest food, particularly fats. Taurine helps the body metabolize fat, making it essential for energy production and a lean physique. But, it’s also necessary for many aspects of health because “good” fats play a role in the health of every cell in the body.

    The value of taking taurine to support fat burning and lose weight is apparent with a recent study in the Journal of Biomedical Science that compared the anti-obesity effects of taurine and lotus leaf extract in rats who were fed a high-fat diet. Researchers measured triglycerides, cholesterol, and body weight gain in rats after six weeks in which they were fed either a normal diet, a high fat diet, a high fat diet with lotus leaf (a plant that is known to have fat burning benefits), or a high fat diet with lotus leaf and taurine.

    The group what received the taurine in addition to the lotus leaf showed the most favorable cholesterol levels and blood lipid profiles of all groups. The taurine and lotus leaf were most effective at minimizing fat gain, especially visceral belly fat fain. The group that received just lotus leaf also gained less fat than the rats that only received the high-fat diet and no supplement, but researchers point to the added taurine as the best way to facilitate fat metabolism in the body.

    The nutrient carnitine is responsible for the transport of fats into the cells to be used for energy in the body. By raising the level of muscle carnitine, you support the fat burning process, but you also must have adequate taurine for this to happen.  Taurine plays a role in the initial phase of fat metabolism, while carnitine takes the fat into the cell to let your body burn it up!

    4)    Take Taurine for Insulin Health
    Taurine is a well known supplement for preventing diabetes and improving insulin sensitivity. Taurine makes the cells more sensitive to insulin binding and glucose uptake by multiple mechanisms. First, taurine has what is called an “anorexigenic” effect on the hypothalamus gland, meaning that it minimizes feelings of hunger by improving energy production and metabolism.  A recent study in the journal Amino Acids found that the anorexigenic action of taurine enhances the role of insulin in the control of food intake and helps stall body fat gain.

    Taurine doesn’t just improve an already functioning metabolism. It has an antioxidant effect and has been found to lower chronic inflammation in the hypothalamus that results in greater insulin production by the pancreas, which in turn produces higher insulin levels and obesity. A related means by which taurine improves metabolism is by neutralizing free radicals in pancreatic cells called “beta cells.” Healthy beta cells are essential for gradual and modulated insulin secretion, and they help with glucose injection into cells for energy use.

    A more concrete action of taurine on body composition is its ability to improve resting energy expenditure. Another new study in Amino Acids  found that increasing taurine levels in rats increased fat burning during rest by activating two pathways (taurine improved them by as much as 70 percent) that play a role in insulin sensitivity and glucose disposal.

    The benefits go on with data showing that taurine can protect cardiac tissue from oxidative stress, in part because of its antioxidant effect and partly because taurine increases the enzyme that sends the message to allow glucose to enter the cell for energy use. As mentioned above in number 1, taurine supplementation has been shown to activate the GABA hormonal system, which has the ability to protect brain tissue from damage due to a stroke.  Another Amino Acids study showed that taurine helped minimize oxidative stress and protect the brain via GABA’s inhibitory action in calming the nervous system.

    5)    Take Taurine To Raise Testosterone
    Taurine has been proven to raise testosterone production in males, while not raising the concentration of estradiol, an estrogenic hormone. A study in Amino Acids measured the effect of taurine on testosterone and related sex hormones in rats and in test tubes. In both studies, results showed that taurine stimulated testosterone production, but only if the amount of taurine administered, which was administered in drinking water, was below 400 microgram/ml—above 400 micrograms/ml testosterone production was blunted.

    The ideal dose in rats appears to be 10 microgram/ml of taurine.  In the test tube study, when taurine was not administered, testosterone production went down, indicating that for normal testosterone production,  taurine is necessary. A suggested dose based on studies ranges from 3 to 5 grams of taurine a day for an 85 kg man.

    More support for taking taurine for reproductive health is a study that showed taurine supplementation can prevent testicular oxidative stress and cell death, which leads to decreased sperm production, testicular toxicity, and reduced testicular weights. In this study, researchers treated rats with a toxin that is known to cause oxidative stress and abnormalities in the testes. Taurine treatment prevented nearly all of the abnormalities that were caused by the toxin and helped maintain normal reproductive health in the rats. The protective mechanism appears to be taurine's antioxidant effect in the body, and as shown in the first study mentioned above, it may play an intrinsic role in male testosterone production.

    Obviously, having adequate testosterone levels is essential for the ideal male body composition because testosterone improves lean mass development and fights fat gain. Plus, it’s well known low testosterone in men is linked with poor health, particularly bad metabolism and the development of diabetes. Taurine is one nutrient among many that should be attended to for adequate reproductive health in both men and women (don’t worry ladies, taking taurine won’t raise testosterone production or make you big, but the research shows it can support metabolism and lower stress levels in women as well as men). Along with taurine, carnitine, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D are all essential for health and body composition.

    6)    Take Taurine and Fight Oxidative Stress
    Taurine is an awesome, if lesser known, antioxidant. Its ability to abolish free radicals and keep cells alive and healthy is partly due to how it helps maintain homeostasis and balance in the body. Taurine can aid the detoxification process, while also minimizing the stress and insulin response.

    The antioxidant action of taurine in the body makes it a treatment for various types of inflammation, including those already mentioned  (from insulin resistance and high triglycerides, from exposure to toxins, from high cortisol levels), but it’s also been shown to counter the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease that is due to a disordered metabolism. Research shows taurine reduces fat gain in the liver and minimizes liver inflammation and injury.

    The integrated benefits of omega-3s and taurine in the body were demonstrated in a new study published in theInternational Journal of Molecular Medicine that measured the inflammatory status  of fat tissue in response to a diet that included supplemental sardine protein. Sardines contain some of the highest concentrations of EPA and DHA omega-3s of all fish, making them an excellent dietary addition, and they also contain taurine and vitamin E, another potent antioxidant.

    This study found that giving rats sardine protein along with a diet that was high in fructose (a carbohydrate source that is known to negatively alter metabolism) minimized fat gain, improved glucose uptake into cells, lowered oxidative stress markers, and improved inflammatory status. This research calls our attention to the need for a combined integrative approach when using taurine—adequate omega-3 fats are helpful, and other antioxidants and essential nutrients make everything work better in the body.

    7)    Take Taurine To Perform Better and Recover Faster From Training
    Taurine supplementation will increase force production, improve endurance and performance in both aerobic and anaerobic system sports, and speed recovery from intense training. One recent study showed that intense exercise significantly lowers muscle taurine levels, but that administering taurine during the exercise session counters the loss of taurine and helps improve work capacity.

    In this study, rats that were given taurine during a run to exhaustion test had better physical endurance than those that didn’t receive the supplement. Plus, following the exercise tests, urinary loss of creatine and other biomarkers were reduced. This means that taurine administration improved recovery and reduced the effects of muscle fatigue making it a useful performance enhancer.

    One reason taurine improves performance and time to exhaustion is its ability to improve fat burning. One study showed taurine ingestion prior to a prolonged cycling time trial resulted in better performance and a 16 percent increase in total fat oxidation compared to a control group.  Taurine also helps the fast-twitch muscles produce peak force by supporting the contractile properties and countering fatigue. It’s likely a combination of better energy production and the ability of taurine to maintain homeostasis in the body that play a role in increasing force in type 2 muscle fibers.

    The antioxidant effect of taurine will also improve recovery from intense training. A study in the journal Cell Biochemistry and Function found that giving rats taurine for 15 days prior to an intense downhill run that involved repeated eccentric muscle actions significantly lowered evidence of muscle damage and oxidative stress. Researchers suggest that raising muscle taurine levels can improve recovery by minimizing the buildup of byproducts that cause muscle fatigue and damage during very intense training.

    8)    Raise Muscle Taurine Levels For Cardiovascular Health 
    Taurine will protect the heart and lower blood pressure, and raising muscular levels has been shown to improve the exercise capacity of patients with heart failure. A recent study in the Journal of Cardiology compared the effects of 500 mg of taurine three times a day with a placebo on patients with left ventricular heart failure. The patients who received the taurine significantly increased exercise distance, and they improved their functional mobility over a two-week period, while the placebo group demonstrated no changes. Researchers suggest taurine improves calcium homeostasis, which aids cardiovascular function, and has “an overall beneficial effect on the macrovascular system.”

    The cardiovascular benefits of taurine are abundant and convincing. Multiple studies have shown taurine will lower blood pressure (it is particularly effective at preventing hypertension that is linked to insulin resistance and poor metabolic health), and a recent study in the Journal of Biomedical Science found that taurine and magnesium levels along with body mass index and total cholesterol were most directly related to the lowest cardiovascular risk in a population of healthy Japanese.  Researchers suggest the combination of elevated taurine and magnesium stores support heart health in this population, and that the Japanese have higher levels of these nutrients due to the presence of fish in the diet.

    One research group writes that taking taurine to prevent heart disease “may be of great public importance,” while another suggests that it is essential for “good health and longevity,” and that individuals should attend to both their magnesium and taurine levels for best results.   

    9)    Sleep Better With Magnesium and Taurine
    Take taurine for better sleep, but make sure you are getting a magnesium supplement that your body can absorb as well. Together these nutrients are the answer to abolish stress, calm the nervous system, and help you sleep better. You’ll also have a better overall mood. People who are deficient in either magnesium or taurine are at greater risk for depression and poor motivation.

    Magnesium is well known to calm the nervous system, while countering fatigue. Similarly, taurine raises GABA levels, calming the nervous system and lowering anxiety and stress hormones that hinder rest.

    10)    Take Taurine For Better Brain Function
    Take taurine for better brain function. Taurine can delay the cognitive decline that comes with aging.  It can improve learning and retention in older individuals and will aid the development of cognitive function in children.

    Interestingly, research shows taurine will improve reaction time and minimize sleepiness in sleep-deprived individuals when paired with caffeine. A new study in the British Journal of Surgery tested the  effects of a placebo, caffeine, or caffeine with taurine on surgery performance in sleep-deprived novice surgeons. The caffeine plus taurine reversed the negative effects of reaction time due to fatigue and minimized feelings of sleepiness, although not to baseline levels.

    Researchers suggest that the combination is ideal because caffeine provides the stimulus, while taurine has a calming affect that functions as an anti-fatiguer. Green tea paired with taurine and carnitine can be very effective when in a sleep-deprived state because this mixture helps to manage anxiety and improve energy and focus."
the above was taken from the website:
  • dandelion: Digestive Aid – Dandelion acts as a mild laxative that promotes digestion, stimulates appetite, and balances the natural and beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Kidney – This weed-like superfood is a diuretic that helps the kidneys clear out waste, salt, and excess water. This inhibits microbial growth in the urinary system too. Liver – Dandelion has been shown to improve liver function by removing toxins and reestablishing hydration and electrolyte balance. Antioxidants – Every part of the dandelion plant is rich in antioxidants that prevent free-radical damage to cells and DNA, slowing down the aging process in our cells. Cancer – Dandelion acts against cancer to slow its growth and prevent its spread. The leaves are especially rich in the antioxidants and phytonutrients that combat cancer. Diabetes – Recent animal studies show promise that dandelion helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels. High Blood Pressure – As a diuretic dandelion increases urination which then lowers blood pressure. The fiber and potassium in dandelion also regulate blood pressure. Cholesterol – Animal studies have shown that dandelion lowers and control cholesterol levels. Gallbladder – Dandelion increases bile production and reduces inflammation to help with gallbladder problems and blockages. Inflammation – Dandelion contains essential fatty acids and phytonutrients that reduce inflammation throughout the body. This can relieve pain and swelling. Immune System – Animal studies also show that dandelion boosts immune function and fights off microbes and fungi. Dandelion leaves, flowers, and roots are all edible. They have a slightly bitter flavor that can be minimized by harvesting them in the fall or spring. Cooking cuts the bitter flavor as well though the leaves make a great addition to raw salads. Dandelion is generally considered safe in food and medicinal levels. Some people may have allergic reactions to dandelion. Anyone with an allergy to ragweed, chrysanthemum, marigold, chamomile, yarrow, or daisy should avoid dandelion and anyone pregnant, nursing, or taking prescription drugs should talk to a health care professional before adding something new to their diet. - "
  • See more at: 

  • milk thistle: "Milk thistle was approved in 1986 as a treatment for liver disease and it is widely used to treat alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic fatty liver, cirrhosis, liver poisening and viral hepatitis. It has also been shown to protect the liver against medications such as acetaminophen, a non-aspirin pain reliever.
    The active ingredient, or liver-protecting compound in milk thistle is known as silymarin. This substance, which actually consists of a group of compounds called flavonolignands, helps repair liver cells damaged by alcohol and other toxic substances by stimulating protein synthesis. By changing the outside layer of liver cells, it also prevents certain toxins from getting inside. Silymarin also seems to encourage liver cell growth. It can reduce inflammation (important for people with liver inflammation or hepatitis), and has potent antioxidant effects. Antioxidants are thought to protect body cells from damage caused by a chemical process called oxidation. Our Milk Thistle is not standardized to an exact amount (as it is made from pure dried natural herbs. Milk Thistle naturally contains about 70 - 80% Silymarin (and many other constituents thought to work in harmony).
    This herb benefits adrenal disorders and inflammatory bowel syndrome, and is used to treat psoriasis (increases bile flow).
    Milk thistle has some estrogen-like effects that may stimulate the flow of breast milk in women who are breast-feeding infants. It may also be used to start late menstrual periods. Milk thistle's estrogen-like effect may also have some usefulness for men with prostate cancer."   
The above information about milk thistle was taken from
  • globe artichoke : Globe Artichoke for Healthy Liver and Gall bladder Function
    "The artichoke plant is a member of the thistle family, and like the popular milk thistle, it greatly benefits the liver, protecting against toxins and infection. A Mediterranean homemade recipe uses fresh artichoke leaf juice mixed with wine or water as a liver tonic. Globe Artichoke may protect and regenerate the Liver – similar to Milk Thistle (due to Cynarin)
    Globe Artichoke increases the contractive power of the Bile Duct, thereby improving the flow of Bile from the Liver to the Gallbladder via the Duct"
The above information is from

That's a lot of information!

You GOTTA love your liver <3

The Globetrotting Gamine

Sunday, May 11, 2014

about vaccines, part 2..

"Other interesting facts with regard to assurances are the following: 1) Today, parents of school children sign a paper agreeing not to sue if complications arise from compulsory immunizations. 2) in California, there is a new law providing up to $25,000 for medical expenses for children who have catastrophic reactions to mandatory immunizations. In the words of Marian Tompson, "The fact that this law was enacted makes me feel that such reactions can't be all that rare!" Somehow reading this, the ghastly pictures in the Poisoned Needle seem more believable and the author's slightly hysterical tone more understandable. In our town, the school has requested that the students update their inoculations with a new measles shot before entering high school. There have been several recent epidemics of measles in our area, primarily effecting teens. Not only are their bouts with this illness more severe, they also are at greater risk than younger children for long term consequences."

"Disease is an interruption of the body's ideal state. Symptoms of disease are an indication that the body is using extraordinary  measures to eliminate excess waste or toxins. For example, mucus discharge, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, skin rash, and so forth can be sign that the normal channels of detoxification (such as through the liver) are overloaded and new outlets are being sought for elimination. Germs feed on toxic waste matter, so it becomes important to know what kind of things can cause toxicity or what kind of things can be done to prevent disease."

"Serious questions concerning the long term effects of standardly accepted injectable toxins on the body (whether they collect in certain areas in the body or whether they increase the system's susceptibility to other diseases like cancer or heart disease) can only be clearly evaluated over a period of many years of observing immunized persons and related studies."

Saturday, May 10, 2014

about vaccines, part one

"English history provides interesting facts regarding smallpox. The incidence of smallpox actually increased with the introduction of smallpox vaccine. Prior to 1853 (and the complete vaccination of the nation), there had been about 2,000 deaths per two year period. Nearly 20 years later after the vaccination program had been in effect for those years, the biggest smallpox epidemic of 23,062 occurred. Towns where there had been the most thorough enforcement (such as Leicester, Sheffield) were the most severely hit. By 1900, the effects of healthcare improvements had been weighed against the effects of inoculation, and the English began to resist immunization laws became lax in England, the government still managed to rigidly enforce compulsory vaccination in India. India's smallpox death rate compared very unfavorably with England's at the turn of this century. For example: Bombay, 866 deaths; Calcutta, 1,201 deaths; London, 23 deaths per million. In 1929, the League of Nations reported that India (still under Britain) was "the greatest center of smallpox today.
In our country, smallpox vaccination lost its appeal about 1928, when it was realized that the vaccinated suggered the worst effects of the disease."

Friday, May 9, 2014

the juice chronicles

taken, created, drank by me!

these are on my instagram-- please click the link to the top right of the page. you're more than welcome to follow me!

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Inspiration Thursday!

(Pic Above: December '13-- me, my great niece, my 'nephew', my bestie)

When I was about 8 years old, my Grandfather had passed away and it was the most traumatizing thing in my world, it shook it to the core.

The following summer, a new family moved in across the street to my house. My Mom came back and took me with her to introduce me to said family because they had a little girl my age.

We spoke for barely a minute when I suddenly proclaimed to the new neighbor girl that we were best friends.

And the rest is history.

I can't explain what we've been through together. First crush, sleepovers galore, first kiss, boyfriends, fights, food, blogging, husbands, cancer, pregnancy, EVERYTHING....basically, it's taught us that nothing can be thrown at us without us pulling through, individually and together. 

She was my first friend who made me laugh til I nearly peed, probably sometimes did pee, and who has walked this path of life with me for the longest. Definitely serious past life stuff going on here, and I have this connection with so few people <3

So she has started a blog, and being an inspiration, I wanted to share her with you!

A link to her Blog, Healthy Obsessionista--- right here.... What prompted you on the quest for all things health and wellness? A: I always hated taking medicine. And when I began working for a chiropractor first when I was 19, I knew that alternative approaches were more my speed. It seemed to snowball from there. Chiropractic, naturopaths, acupuncture, reiki - and hand in hand with those practices are nutrition, supplementation. The holistic approach encompasses all. I liked that. I was inspired to always go beyond symptoms. Instead of taking an Advil or something for a headache- I wondered to myself at 19, why do I have the headache to start with. Your other passions include... A: Where to begin? Art almost fort and foremost has been ingrained in my very being. I enjoy any creative endeavor- painting, cooking, singing or writing. Often I'm more private with my art- I share some of my work, and enjoy when people respond positively of course- but there is a part of me that likes to create and keep it for myself. Yoga and mindfulness are things I am passionate about as well. And food! Oh wow- food is something I am always excited to talk about. What inspires you? A: first and foremost nature. We are just a cog in the machine that is nature. I find when I'm in sync with mother natures flow I'm much happier and things seem to just work and you can really see- as opposed to getting bogged down by drama and nonsense. Has your research and knowledge changed your life? There's a quote by Maya Angelou that answers that perfectly; "when you know better, you do better"... Of course instill eat things here and there that I okie aren't necessarily the best choices, but I'm mindful of their impact, and don't make it an everyday thing. What would you say to someone who challenges the health and wellness lifestyle? A: I have been challenged many times and ultimately we are all on our own paths. Who am I to force anyone to see things my way? I lead an live by example. And one of my favorite sayings is there are threw things that can not long be hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth. How would you encourage a new-comer to a healthier, happier lifestyle? A: Anyone who is a kindred spirit gets my respect. It takes courage to deviate from the norm- to leave your comfort zone. I'd let them know that the healthy choices they are making today will help them feel vibrant and better tomorrow. Where can we find some of your work? A: Actually you can see my hard work as a former sale rep on the shelves of every whole foods in The north East. I have successfully placed over 40 brands in all the stores. Are there any resources to begin a newbie on their own quest? A: with so much information and misinformation on the internet- you have to confer with like minded individuals. Seek out a guru if that's your thing. Herbalists and chiropractors will chat with you. Often employees at a natural food store will have some great tips and information.

Again, Please check her out! She's flippin' awesome <3

Lots of Love
the globetrotting gamine

Wednesday, May 7, 2014



notice the last photo-- my husband looks like he's popping out of my head. lol

happy wednesday!

love me,
the globetrotting gamine