from Jude's Herbal Home Remedies:
- use the root
- has estrogen properties so use during and after change of life
- use for all blood and bronchial problems
Marsh Mallow
- use the root
- soothes inflammations and irritations of the urinary and alimentary systems
- will dispense throat tickle.
- flowers and leaves are used
- used for bronchial problems, inhibits bacteria growth, antibiotic properties
- use leaves and upper part of plant
- used to relieve arthritis pains
- use in small doses to help stomach disorders and digestion
- use in a small dose ONLY
- whole herb
- mild expectorant, for colds and asthma
- good tonic for the heart
- use leaves
- relieves stomach
- stimulates uterine muscles
- leaves and flowering tops are used
- removes hardened mucus from alimentary and bronchial systems
- used for stomahc discomfort
- roots and leaves are used
- antiseptic properties
- removes toxins from system
- early shoots, roots and berries are used
- the chemotherapy of the herbs, strong purge
- duplicates effects of cortisone which stimulates entire glandular system
- violent laxative and diuretic to clean the whole system
(this is ironic because chemo doesn't make you poop. it keeps it all in.)
Prickly Lettuce
- leaves and gum are used
- strong sedative to treat insomnia
- removes hardened excretions from the bronchial system
- use the herb above the ground
- good cleanser for kidneys
- leaves and fruit are used
- stimulates kidneys and soothes uterine muscles, known as a woman's herb
- roots are known for astringent properties
Red Clover
- flowering tops are used
- great blood purifier and tonic
- skin disorders caused by impurities of the blood so take the tea on a regular basis if you are not allergic
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