part to from Jude's Herbal Home Remedies!
- use flowers
- tea is used internally and externally
- has been used to stop bleeding, is antibiotic and heals wounds
- treats chest ailments and craps, flu, stomach problems and to induce swelling to bring down fever
- leaves and flowering tops
- treat colic or flatulence
- tea made from celery eases the tummy
- used as a sedative
- always use fresh celery
- flowers and the upper hald of the plant are used
- calmative and sedative
- treats headaches, cramps and other gastrointestinal disorders
- flowers
- used as sedative and general tonic
- used as a diuretic
Clary Sage
- leaves and seeds are used
- used for eye disorders, clears sediments from liver and kidneys
- good for nausea and colic treatment
- the entire herb
- strong diuretic, used to dissolve deposits in the kidneys
- use the leaves
- this herb binds to toxins in the system and helps to eliminate them, great expectorant
Corn Silk
- great diuretic, used to clean the urinary system and as a tonic for the whole system
- use roots and leaves
- use as a general tonic, as well as for liver and bladder complaints
- use leaves, fruits and flowers
- elder flower tea is an excellent diuretic, use for feverish colds
- use seeds if you have a tendency toward kidney stones
- use in a rinse for eyes
- use all parts
- aids digestion and helps calm nervous stomach, increases milk production
- use seeds
- soothes lining of stomachs and intestines
- use the root
- considered a near cure-all.
- used as a tonic for all systems of the body and as an aphrodisiac
- use the root
- helps in ailments of both the stomach and liver
- use flowering tops and leaves
- use for bronchial and stomach disorders, good for sore throats and colds, an expectorant
- use roots and leaves
- leaves can be used uncookes in salads or cooked as a side dish
- an emollient
- good to use during colds, or if prone to kidney stones
Irish Moss
- use dried plant
- bronchial disorders, kidney problems
- use in cough syrups
- contains iodine
- use to purify blood as well as for goiters
Kidney Beans
- tea made from the beans and pods is considered to be of a diuretic nature
- helps to clean kidneys and ureters of gravel
- use the flowers for a pleasant, sedative tea
- use for releasing tension and headaches
Lemon Balm
- use the leaves
- make a tea with a sedative action
- use to induce sweating to reduce fevers
- regulates menstruation
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