Wednesday, November 11, 2015



It's been ages since I've been back to blog world.

Sure, you can say it's my fault- it is!! There has been so much going on that it's really been more than a a tornado, more like!

  • school
  • full time job!
  • tests
  • weddings
  • events
  • life
the usual!

Of course, there are so many things I want to incorporate in my blog...I wouldn't even know where to begin...
  • writing
  • art
  • health
  • counseling ideas
  • travel
  • travel tips and ideas
  • events
Literally, no idea where to begin. 

I guess the beginning of the year would make sense...

We spent New Years with family...
In February, we took a little vacation:
Hit some favorite spots, like Puerto Rico^^

...and St. Thomas^^

...and St. Maarten ^^ for planespotting

and hit one new-to-us-island: Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands...

and visited the Baths^^, which was on this guys bucket list :)

There is so much more to tell!
But I have a lot to do before I jump back to work.

So, if you're reading this...
welcome back! 
i missed you!
i hope you're having a beautiful day,
a beautiful autumn,

and we'll talk soon <3

lotsa love,
the globetrotting gamine

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Happy November!

Happy November!

take brisk walks...
breathe in the fresh air..
call a dear friend...
drink delicious, fresh made juice!

Are you making all kinds of plans for the holidays, too!

I'll share mine if you share yours : P

Love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Thursday, October 1, 2015

i got sunshine!

happy october to all!
i hope you spend a lot of time outside
in nature, enjoying and healing...

be outside as much as you can, as long as you can
because winter's right around the corner ;)

love to you all,
the globetrotting gamine

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

happy harvest season!

happy september/autumn/harvest season to one and all!

these pictures are from my collection and lovely neck of the woods...

long island, new york!

get out there, get inspire, and have fun!

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Oh, August

 Happy August...

take some time near the sea...
gather precious stones and seashells for winter inspiration
and winter projects..

this photo was taken at The White Barn
in Greenport, New York
by me!
(like most other pictures on my blog!)

enjoy your August,
the globetrotting gamine

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

it's finally July!

happy July to one and all!

What a beautiful time of year, here in New York.

Get out there and enjoy the sunshine as much as you can!
And don't use sunblock unless you study up on the ingredients ;)

Love me,
the globetrotting gamine <3

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


From First Magazine:

"Go for 70% alkaline. Aim to fill 70% of your daily diet with nutrient-rich, alkalinizing foods. Top choices include all  veggies; citrus fruits; tomatoes; avocadoes; edamame; lima and navy beans; raw almonds; quinoa; spelt; buckwheat; olive, flaxseed and coconut oil, coconut milk and almond milk. Cook suggests using coconut or almond milk instead of cow's milk."

"For in a deep breathing break. Oxygen is alkalinizing to the body, so the deeper we breathe, the better we are keeping that pH balance," says Cook. "Oxygen feeds all our cells, but most people hold their breath without realizing it." For an alkalinizing boost, pause once every few hours to take a deep breath, feeling our lungs expand as you inhale through your mouth for 5 seconds, then exhale through your nose for another 5 seconds. Cont. for one."

Friday, June 5, 2015

Acidity & Our Body

What I love to do when I get a non-creative minute is read magazine or journal articles on health and nutrition.

In First magazine (3/31/14) there was an interesting article where Michelle Schoffro Cook, Ph.D. was is what she and the article stated...

Acid has a corrosive effect on vital organs like the heart, so when the body detects an increase in acid, it diverts resources away from non-vital functions. This stalls slimming in several ways, most significantly by hindering the liver function. Cook notes, "Because the liver is the body's major detoxifying organ, it has to work overtime to filter out acid. Its other functions, like producting enzymes that break down fat, are forced to take a backseat."

Acid also damages glands: "Acidity can impair the thyroid- and that further disrupts fat burning." Cook says. "And acid depletes the pancreas, which regulates blood sugar. The blood sugar swings that result make it easer to gain weight, and harder to lose it."

AS the toxic effects of acid continue to stress the body, symptoms such as tiredness, anxiety, headaches and joint pain set in.

"The body accumulates fat as a way of storing the acidity it can't process. Fat is damage control; when your fat stores are growing, it's a sign of acidic buildup that the body is trying to buffer."

"Every single function of your body will improve when you give it the alkaline diet it needs."

"The liver is freed up to burn fat, the thyroid functions properly so metabolism revs and the pancreas is able to regulate blood sugar."

Cook has even sen people cured of fibromyalgia within one month of going alkaline.

Monday, June 1, 2015

patiently waiting...

for the tomato festival at Garden of Eve in Riverhead, New York.

Can't wait to harvest tomatoes this year.


Love me,
the globetrotting gamine <3

Monday, May 18, 2015

big pharma industry

obviously, i don't believe that chemo and all these medications will ever cure the root cause of the problem, because t's would the pharma industry make their money?

before you jump down my throat, did you ever wonder why pharmaceutical reps (those pushing the meds on doctors, who make a buttload of money every time they write out a prescription?) make more $$$ off the bat than TEACHERS do?

read here...

So I figured, let me look up some people that are mentioned as "whistleblowers", God Love Them, and see what they had to say...
these are the videos I'm watching right now...

More soon :)

Thursday, May 14, 2015


(from Tox-Sick:)

"Yes, it is now a fact validated by the Columbia University School of Public Health that 95% of cancer is caused by diet and the environment!"

So I couldn't believe that this was admitted, and did a little bit of my own research.

You should click this link...

Scroll way to the bottom and you'll see 3 photos...
Internationally renowned for his work on lead and manganese poisoning, Dr. Guilarte conducts research that explores the biology of metal poisoning.
Director of the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health  (CCCEH), Dr. Perera pioneered the field of molecular epidemiology.
Dr. Santella's research explores how damage caused by environmental exposures raises the risk of cancer. 


research, please! without lies, would be great!

Friday, May 1, 2015

May Day!

Hope you are all enjoying your May...

what a beautiful time to take it all in!

Love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Thursday, April 30, 2015

research, research, research

i always tell everyone to do their own research and to respect their own bodies. after all, you know your own body better than any one else does. i am not a doctor, do not have a medical degree, but probably read at least one book a day. so whatever i write, or learn, is from my own vast research, and you should seriously do your own <3

like i said, i began reading the book, Tox-Sick by Suzanne Somers and have no idea why it was poopoo'd by some "medical" people. Obviously, Suzanne writes from her experiences, point of view, and states it outright. However, there are doctors, scientists, medical journal article info in her book that prove this. People who have not picked up and glanced at the inside of the book agree with panicking medical people writing the articles...I'm sure many have not read Tox-Sick either.

So for the next few weeks, I want to break down different parts of the book (which i've wrote in entirely, by the way...) for you guys, based on my experiences and opinions.

So, what I wanted to talk about:

"One of the most extensive studies of Americans' toxic burden was funded by the Environmental WOrking Group, and conducted at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Researchers tested nine adults, none of whom worked in industries that would expose them to high levels of environmental poisons; well-known journalist Bill Moyers was one of them. All were tested for the presence of 210 contaminants that have been globally recognized as persistent pollutants (like DDT). The results of the participants' blood and urine showed he presence of 167 of the 210 contaminants, with an average of 91 in any given person. Each person tested had an average of:
-53 brain chemicals that have been linked to cancer.
-63 compounds toxic to the central nervous system, including the brain.
-58 compounds toxic to the endocrine (hormonal) system.
-55 compounds that are toxic to the immune system and frequently lead to autoimmunity (fibromyalgia, lupus, multiple sclerosis) and an impaired ability to fight infections."

So imagine, the air we breathe, the water we drink (if bottled or tap), and then everything you're adding to your body in your "food", makeup, hair stuff, lotions, nail polish, when you clean your home, when you wash your clothes...

then it's not hard to wonder why we are so toxic.

i used to wonder why so many 28-35 year olds had hodgkin's lymphoma.

when i would ask my oncologist how the lymphatic system worked, he had no idea. said i got cancer because it's just a freak thing. I was not allowed to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, or go get colon hydrotherapy.

i am not making this stuff up.

so i didn't know anything about the lymphatic system and hodgkin's lymphoma or detoxing (except that alcoholics or people addicted to drugs did this), or cleanses, until I was done with AVD chemo, ICE chemo, and then the worst chemo that nearly killed me (i think it did, actually) followed up with a stem cell transplant. all these i was scared into doing because my oncologist kept telling me i had 3 months to live. who wants to give up their life? so i trusted them and believed them, but the "system" failed me.

If i had known then what I know now, or knew a year ago, I never would have gone that path and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies.

But there are so many things we can do to cleanse the body...
-eat better (no processed foods, sugars, alcohol)
-vitamins and supplements that will help promote detox (spirulina, chlorella, activated charcoal, etc.)
-chew some cloves daily (kills parasites along with...)
-...eating some garlic daily (sooo many benefits!)
-colon hydrotherapy (removes harmful buildup of toxins from colon and intestines.
-essiac tea (cleanses blood)
-rebounding (moves lymph)
-dry brushing (moves lymph)
-dandelion tea (cleanses)

I've done all these things...a lot, some every day. and i'm wondering...if other people knew just a little bit of my entire story, maybe it would help.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

clean produce vs. dirty produce

Just a helpful hint for you guys....

If you have to, you can buy non-organic:

  1. onions
  2. garlic
  3. pineapple
  4. avocado
  5. asparagus
  6. sweet pea
  7. mangos
  8. eggplant
  9. cantaloupe
  10. kiwi
  11. cabbage
  12. watermelon
  13. sweet potatoes
  14. grapefruits
  15. mushrooms

  1. apples
  2. celery
  3. strawberries
  4. peaches
  5. spinach
  6. nectarines
  7. grapes
  8. sweet bell peppers
  9. potatoes
  10. blueberries
  11. lettuce
  12. kale
  13. collard greens

It's been a while since I've written...

...and  I hope you are all well!

There has been a lot going on (still!) on my end, and I find that I like being busy. But sometimes, do you ever feel the need to just have a few hours to do nothing?

I picked up some new books and hobbies I will be sharing with you case you aren't following my instagram. The list of what I'd like to do, see, and learn is endless.

For the next few weeks, I will be sharing with you some "thinkers" from Suzanne Somer's new book, Tox-Sick. I try to follow up with as many stories as I can ( ;) ) that I have lived through and been through.

Also, this article here has pissed me off:

Australian wellness guru Belle Gibson reportedly built her career around claims she survived several different kinds of cancer with alternative medicine, but this week, she confessed that it was all a lie.
"No. None of it's true," she reportedly told The Australian Women's Weekly magazine in an issue on stands today.
Gibson, 23, claimed to have had blood, brain, liver, spleen and uterus cancers, according toMashable, which published a skeptical piece about the embattled entrepreneur last month. The Whole Pantry writer said she cured herself by shirking traditional medicine, eating whole foodsand using alternative therapies instead, according to Australian Women's Weekly.
"I don't want forgiveness," the Australian Women's Weekly reported her saying. "I just think [speaking out] was the responsible thing to do. Above anything, I would like people to say, 'OK, she's human.'"
ABC News reached out to Gibson through The Whole Pantry App but did not receive a response.
In addition to blogging, Gibson founded The Whole Pantry app, published a recipe book and had hundreds of thousands of social media followers. She appears to have deleted her Instagramposts.
Earlier today, Gibson allegedly tweeted from the Whole Pantry App account, "For the record, I haven't retreated to the United States. and didn't. Media, continue to 'humiliate and condemn' - Belle."
Unfounded claims of having cancer aren't new, but this is different because Gibson was offering unproven advice to a wide audience for profit, NYU Langone bioethicist Arthur Caplan told ABC News. He said the case should serve "as a reminder that there are people out there willing to prey on the desperate and the vulnerable."
"It is beyond despicable that you would give advice to people with terminal diseases like cancer and have them forgo the only therapies that might offer some hope," Caplan said. "I admit that the therapies often are poor, but that's all there is. To talk about alternatives that don't work, claiming that they did work on you is to not only step over the ethical line, it is to throw yourself into ethics 


Why it pisses me off:
1- Um, cancer isn't funny. How ridiculous and petty does someone have to be to fake an illness? Who raised her?

2- First of all, eating whole foods and using alternative therapies...given that I don't know which therapies she used because I'd never even heard of here...there is the whole theory of detox that everyone in general needs to obtain optimum health.

3- I always believe in doing my own research. I don't go around believing everything someone says. It would be ridiculous if people did that. I want to learn to cure my body naturally, how to detox properly, what to eat, how to eat it...there is not one right way for everyone so why should one person have so much influence. I encourage everyone to do more research on health, wellness, and nutrition. If you don't, how will you learn anything?

4- People who fake a disease? I am trying not to judge, but do you want to try any chemo treatments that I've tried? I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

Educate yourselves, peeps. And have a beauuuuuutiful weekend.

Love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Throwback Thursday!

Don't forget to love and snuggle
all the little ones in your family...

they're only little for so long...

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Monday, February 16, 2015

Maitake and Immunity

Obviously, those with a strong immune system are lucky...because others like me, we have to work at it.

A strong immune system helps:

  1. helps protect against more serious chronic illnesses
  2. helps you fly by cold and flu season
  3. identifies and neutralizes harmful stuff like bacteria, viruses and environmental contaminants

I've recently started researching Maitake D-Fraction, which is the mushroom's bioactive extract which activates the innate immune system, strengthens body's bacterias. 

In a 2011 study, it was discovered that it also activates a specfic gene that promotes programmed cell death in breast cancer cells. More studies indicate that it promotes the destruction of cancerous renal cells and bladder cells. 

Ancient lore claims that when the Japanese found the mushrooms in the mountains, they began dancing for joy. So, maitake means "dancing mushroom". 

So, 200 mg twice a day, people. If you take with a dose of Vitamin C, it may enhance the maitake's absorpton!

love love love,
the globetrotting gamine

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


I know that some of the words, ideas and such that I post may sound utterly ridiculous and scary to some of you-- and that's ok. Anything new or foreign to anyone can be scary. Everything is a learning process.

On a happier note, I'll do the research for you! LOL

Anthocyanin is defined as a class of water soluble pigments that give fruits their vibrant red, blue and purple colors. They possess powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory (my favorite!) properties that confer eye protecting benefits.

(Also, a diet rich in fruits, veggies and sometimes fish help safeguard your vision naturally. Also, omega-3 fatty acids, lutein and zeaxanthin can also help keep your eyes healthy for a lifetime.)

It can also help if:

  1. you have bad night vision
  2. your eyes are constantly tired
  3. you stare at a tv or computer screen all day
It's worth a try!!

love love love,
the globetrotting gamine

Saturday, February 7, 2015

ADD, ADHD- what I think

As a licensed school counselor, and a mental health counselor...there's a lot of similarities I see in cases where children are incorrectly diagnosed...and sometimes, it starts with their nutrition.

How many of these students are consuming the S.A.D (Standard American Diet) that consists of meats, genetically modified fruits and vegetables, junk food, fast food, processed food, dairy, cold cuts, and all kinds of fake sugars...not to mention vaccinations? No one person has ever studied the effect of all the vaccinations and all these diets together to see what they can result in.

In the same respect, kids will be kids. Some will be quiet, some loud...some running, some sitting...some thoughtful, and some outgoing...this is a fact.

So, why not address the nutrition and activity of our children rather than send them off to get a new prescription for them?

For example, if a child detoxes, Mom or Dad begin juicing organic fruits and vegetables for them, they begin eating an all organic they wonder what they would change? Or is that more complicated than just going to pick up a prescription and drug their children?

What about adding a supplement like Ginko Biloba...the benefits are endless, including:

  1. improves cognition and memory
  2. boosts blood flow to brain
  3. destroys free radicals (which cause dis-eases like cancer)
  4. protects brain cells from premature death
  5. improves selective attention
  6. long term verbal and non-verbal memory
  7. improves antisocial and hyperactive disorder
  8. can manage impulsivity and forgetfulness
You should use 60-120 mg, 1 to 2 times daily. DO NOT TAKE THEM WITH BLOOD THINNING DRUGS!

It's worth a 28-day trial to do all this, rather than have your child take a trial medication!

love love love,
the globetrotting gamine

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

changing your life

changing your life is hard to do.

believe me, i've done it, sooo many times.

everytime, i feel as if i get closer and closer to the best version of myself, and closer to knowing how to take care of myself in order to take care of others.

here are some easy tips to get a jump start on changing your life:

  1. take a brisk walk, 20 minutes every day (weather permitting, of course!)
  2. list, in a beautiful new notebook, 10 dreams you want to achieve.
  3. surround yourself with the sacred, which means: if you don't like something you own, or it carries an upsetting energy or vibe, just get rid of it.
  4. start making your gratitude lists. believe me, it works.
  5. ***make your vision board!!!*** (this is my most favorite one...more about it in my upcoming post!)

Saturday, January 31, 2015

health stuff: bones and joints

i have been learning so much stuff, that I barely have enough time to slow down. seriously, so much to do-- but i'm not gonna lie. this is what i wanted and i love it.

during this freezing season called NY... a lot of us are feeling and complaining about our aches and pains. if you've noticed, they lie dormant most of the year until the temperature drops very low.

i know because the surgeries and chemo damaged nerves act up like a mofo. it is not fun, but i'm also not going to let it bother me.

the inner core of our bones produces blood cells and bones also act as a storage tank for most of the calcium in our body.

joints occur where the bones come together-- i've noticed lately, my wrist and legs and elbows, even my back, are cracking much more easily, and loudly! they're usually covered by spongy cartilage. it acts as a shock absorber and should guarantee you to move around easily. wear and tear may cause this sponginess to break down.

a couple of posts ago, i wrote about magnesium...which should definitely be incorporated in all of our supplements. here's some reasons why:

  1. helps with bone formation
  2. stimulates calcitonin hormone (preserves bone structure by drawing calcium out of the blood and soft tissues back into the bones!)
  3. lowers risk of osteoporosis
  4. helps bone mineral density in postmenopausal and elderly women
  5. will help you deal with stress
  6. helps your cells relax
  7. less inflammation and better sleep...
and so much more!

you're supposed to take between 400 to 800 mg per day! don't start at 800 though-- you don't want your poop to run away from you when you're not ready for it... lol

i hope this helps your winter stress and bone aches!!

love love love,
the globetrotting gamine

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

my story

^Christmas 2014^

i figured it's good to put it out there, and whoever wants to read it and use it, can.

i was never living the healthiest lifestyle.
though i was never a partier, and never did drugs, 
my diet was ew. 
cue all kinds of meats, gmo's, processed foods, cold cuts, caffeine, cakes, sweets, sushi, anything with sugar.
i was eating at home, and eating out A LOT!

I didn't know that what i was doing was going to have consequences, 
and in the depth of my soul i believe that the nutrition and stress factor
is what bought on my diagnosis of hodgkin's lymphoma, in oct. 2012.

commence: chemo, november 2012- april 2013. 
ice chemo- april 2013- june 2013
stem cell transplant- july 19 2013- aug 6 2013

so basically, i've died a few times (serious- NDE's galore, some i don't even remember, they had me so drugged up)

and i prayed and prayed and prayed some more...
and i knew, in october 2013, when my onc.'s were grasping at straws
that i wasn't going to deal with the medical b.s. anymore.

if they couldn't tell me where this dis-ease came from,
how were they going to cure me with poison?
i was NOT getting sick again,
i was NOT having people with hazmat suits inject nasty nasty goo into my poor body anymore.

so God, answered my prayers, and I've been detoxing ever since.
i have tried everything, 
and never have i felt this good before.

i know it's hard, but the thing with diagnosis is this:
mind, body and spirit keep you sick.
if one is, the others follow suit.
you can choose your path by following your soul and instincts:

I had let fear dictate my life up until my prayers were answered,
and i don't anymore.

if any of you guys are out there, and want help,
message me, I am here!

love love love,
globetrotting gamine

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


"Since all Magnesium Oils are made by use of seawater in some way or another that is diluted and desalinated to an extent, I thought what would happen if we used ACE – the super Great Salt Lake desalinated water = takes 13 to 18 months to make one batch and has 1,000,000 times more flavanoids than even Concentrace, the de-salinated Great Salt Lake mineral product… with 7 to 10 times their electrolytes, what would happen if I used this one instead for making of Magnesium OIL instead of just adding Magnesium Chloride to Distilled water (or in the case of Ancient Minerals version, adding it to spring water)…. Wow has this version of ACE Mag Oil been working, and working faster, not just better… pain disappearing soo much faster from knees and hips as well as mind regaining it’s youthful powers and awareness and SOUNDNESS for some… regardless, I could go on forever on this but remember that this Magnesium is one of the 4 major pillers of all nutrition and without it we’re in serious trouble since no Vitamin nor Mineral/Element/Trace Elements nor enzymes will work without it (in general, not alllll enzymes are dependent on Mag ) !! Are you getting some perspective yet??? Want testimonials on the freakish power of Magnesium Oils that are weaker than ACE – from all over the earth… see those links right below and … then … even lower about 2 pages later, is a lottttt more information on testimonials and science uses and on and on and on! Scary powerful stuff! Wow…"

Taken from :

Ok, so if you know me by now...and you might, at least a little bit...I research so much that it comes as naturally as breathing to me. I have been going over my research notes and delving into the parts I haven't touched on, modalities I haven't used or researched, etc.

I was thinking that this magnesium oil phenomenon might help my aching shoulders and neck...I guess that's where many of us, especially me, carry a lot of day to day stresses (and by this, I mean even routine stuff!)

I have a feeling this is totally something to look into-- taking care of you and investing in yourself/your health, is the best thing that you can do. 

If you've used magnesium oil for anything, I am open for messaging :)

love love love,
the globetrotting gamine

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

From Louise Hay's All is Well...


"So what does science tell us about the mind-body connection behind negative thoughts and emotions affecting the organs of the second emotional center?

Studies have found that the rate of infertility and menstrual cycle irregularities is higher in women who have inner conflicts about being a mother and who are worried about changes in their bodies. WHile they feel social pressure to have children, motherhood may not fit in with their long term goals. The emotional stress surrounding this issue increases cortisol and decreases progesterone, which hurts successful implantation of the embryo into the uterus. It also decreases oxy tocin and increases norepinephrine and epinephrine; all of this works together to suppress sex hormones and turn off the mechanism that pulls sperm up into the uterus.

If a man is under a lot of pressure, the anxiety he experiences causes his body to produce antibodies that make sperm "impotent" as they say. "

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

2015, magnesium and stuff

i wish you all a happy, healthy, magical 2015!!!

i'll post more about my resolutions later ;)

a long time ago, i was told by my naturopath (and also a healer!) that it would be a good idea to incorporate magnesium into my daily vitamin/supplement/herb routine.

the other day, my father in law was told by his naturopath that it would be a good idea that he begin to take magnesium as well, so it sparked the thought...that i should blog about the wonder that is magnesium!


What is magnesium?
- A metallic element whose salts re essential nutrients required for more than 300 enzymatic reactions that are necessary for NORMAL CELL FUNCTION! (this can obviously benefit everyone, especially if you've fallen prey to the S.A.D. --sad, american diet.)

-in a woman, not enough magnesium can cause emotional instability, excessive nervous sensitivity with generalized aches and pains and a lower premenstrual pain threshold or what we have labeled as PMS.

In addition to my everyday life, schedules, etc., I'm an avid reader, and observer of the Universe. I don't enjoy talking out of my *WOOHOO* unless I have something to back it up.

Since I am always pulling my research from everywhere and everything I can get my hands's some information from varied sources:

"Severe magnesium deficiencies are rare. They're more likely in people who:
  • Have kidney disease
  • Have Crohn's disease or other conditions that affect digestion
  • Have parathyroid problems
  • Take antibiotics or drugs for diabetes and cancer
  • Are older adults
  • Abuse alcohol  " (from

"Benefits of Magnesium:
1. Better sleep - The sleep regulating hormone melatonin is disturbed when Magnesium is deficient. Furthermore, Magnesium brings balance and controls stress hormones. Stress and tension are often reasons why people suffer from insomnia in the first place.
2. Relaxes the nervous system - Serotonin, which relaxes the nervous system and elevates mood, is dependent on Magnesium.
3. Bigger, stronger muscles - Magnesium allows the body to produce more Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1), which is a major contributor to the growth and strength of muscles. Furthermore, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the cell's energy store, and is created with help from Magnesium.
4. Better flexibility - Magnesium loosens tight muscles. Without Magnesium, muscles do not relax properly and cramps occur. Magnesium is important for flexibility, because low Magnesium results in a buildup of lactic acid, causing pain and tightness.
5. Bone integrity and strength - Magnesium helps to fix calcium properly. It may blow some people's mind that the calcium supplements they're taking are not only useless, but are actually contributing to osteoporosis! There are actually about eighteen essential nutrients that contribute to bone health; Magnesium is definitely one of the most essential, because it stimulates a particular hormone called calcitonin. And, it also suppresses a hormone called parathyroid that breaks down bone.
6. Remineralizes teeth - Magnesium deficiency causes an unhealthy balance of phosphorous and calcium in saliva, which damages teeth.
7. Alkalizes the body - Magnesium helps return the body’s pH balance. Magnesium reduces lactic acid, which is partly responsible for post-exercise pain (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).
8. Hydrates - Magnesium is a necessary electrolyte essential for proper hydration.
9. Helps to relieve constipation - Magnesium can be used to cleanse the bowels of toxins.
10. Enzyme function - Enzymes are protein molecules that stimulate every chemical reaction in the body. Magnesium is required to make hundreds of these enzymes work and assists with thousands of others.
11. Diabetes - Magnesium enhances insulin secretion, which facilitates sugar metabolism. Without Magnesium, glucose is not able to transfer into cells. Glucose and insulin build up in the blood, causing various types of tissue damage, including the nerves in the eyes.
There are many other benefits of Magnesium: It helps prevent stroke, heart disease, period pain, and more."

"Sources of Magnesium
Natural sources of magnesium include sea vegetables, leafy vegetables such as spinach, and whole grains that are usually major components of a person’s regular diet. Some other vegetables that can be classified as rich magnesium sources include tomatoes, beet greens, broad beans, lima beans, artichokes, sweet potatoes, buckwheat flour, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, wheat flour, oat bran, barley, cornmeal and chocolate. Also, you can consume dairy products such as milk and yoghurts, as well as non-vegetarian products like fish to acquire magnesium. Whole wheat bread containing bran and germ has twice the magnesium content compared to white bread. Water also has a high magnesium content; hard water has more magnesium than soft water, although hard water is not good for the body, especially the kidneys." 
"Magnesium is farmed out of the soil much more than calcium," Dr. Dean explains. "A hundred years ago, we would get maybe 500 milligrams of magnesium in an ordinary diet. Now we're lucky to get 200 milligrams. People do need to supplement with magnesium." (

~My magnesium education began when I started on the path of removing my amalgam teeth fillings (i had so many :( ) As I was detoxing a LOT to go through the safe removal, I found that I had stopped going to the bathroom ( #2!! ) as much as I used to. I spoke to a beautiful friend of mine, and she mentioned, MAGNESIUM needed to be added to my protocol! It kind of has those enzymatic reactions swish everything about and cause you to go go go! It's a wonderful thing <3
Hope this helped you guys!
Much LOVE and light and Happy, squishy feelings,
the globetrotting gamine

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

a happy, healthy and blessed 2015
to all!

always surround yourself with happiness,
and everything and everyone you love <3

love me,
the globetrotting gamine