Saturday, February 7, 2015

ADD, ADHD- what I think

As a licensed school counselor, and a mental health counselor...there's a lot of similarities I see in cases where children are incorrectly diagnosed...and sometimes, it starts with their nutrition.

How many of these students are consuming the S.A.D (Standard American Diet) that consists of meats, genetically modified fruits and vegetables, junk food, fast food, processed food, dairy, cold cuts, and all kinds of fake sugars...not to mention vaccinations? No one person has ever studied the effect of all the vaccinations and all these diets together to see what they can result in.

In the same respect, kids will be kids. Some will be quiet, some loud...some running, some sitting...some thoughtful, and some outgoing...this is a fact.

So, why not address the nutrition and activity of our children rather than send them off to get a new prescription for them?

For example, if a child detoxes, Mom or Dad begin juicing organic fruits and vegetables for them, they begin eating an all organic they wonder what they would change? Or is that more complicated than just going to pick up a prescription and drug their children?

What about adding a supplement like Ginko Biloba...the benefits are endless, including:

  1. improves cognition and memory
  2. boosts blood flow to brain
  3. destroys free radicals (which cause dis-eases like cancer)
  4. protects brain cells from premature death
  5. improves selective attention
  6. long term verbal and non-verbal memory
  7. improves antisocial and hyperactive disorder
  8. can manage impulsivity and forgetfulness
You should use 60-120 mg, 1 to 2 times daily. DO NOT TAKE THEM WITH BLOOD THINNING DRUGS!

It's worth a 28-day trial to do all this, rather than have your child take a trial medication!

love love love,
the globetrotting gamine

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