Monday, July 28, 2014

do you know that feeling...

where, as a haunts you in the middle of the night what you want to write about but then, upon waking...


i really hate this feeling, and it should promote me to get up in the middle of the night and start writing.

since summer began, i have gone back to exploring, celebrating, and back to the daily grind of trying to get my career as a school counselor rolling again. i wish it was easier to get everything done that i want to (especially in the crafts department!) but it's not.

things on my mind and now out there in the blog-u-verse:

  • job job job. gimme gimme. want one to escape the boredom!
  • love summer.
  • social media is exhausting.
  • so many books to read, so little time
  • ah, me.

so i'm back in the state where my mind buzzes around and around with thoughts and ideas like a ticker tape. sometimes, i swear it's a psychic thing i've got going on. i have no idea where said thoughts and ideas come from.

i've heard somewhere recently that writers have a more difficult time than non-writers getting their words out there in the way they want. this comforts me, because  i never feel adequate enough in describing much of anything when writing. and most of the time, there is no word flow, or just basic flow. 

more things on my bucket list:
  • certification in nutrition, health and wellness. 
  • yoga certification
  • my next big project
i hope all of you out there in bloggie land are doing wonderfully, and that your summer (or whatever season) is treating you well!!

lots of love and light from me to you,
the globetrotting gamine

Monday, July 21, 2014

Fluoridation (eew)

"Fluoridation (p.116)

Fluoride, a compound that protects against tooth decay, was added to many municipal was added to many municipal water systems beginning in 1945. At present, an estimated 2/3 of the American people live in communities with fluoridated water. While fluoridation has reduced cavities, rates of other orders have increased, including damage to the bones, thyroid gland, and immune function. As a result, several European countries, icluding Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Germany and Belgium have discontinued treating water with fluoride. France and Norway never started it. In the U.S. Kansas, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Hawaii have recently rejected proposals for fluoridization, and in 1998 voters in Santa Cruz refused to allocate money for fluoridation following a mandatory law passed by the California legislature.

Fluoride, a compound of calcium and fluoride that occurs naturally, is used in Oriental medicine as a tranquilizer. Prozac, the modern anti-depressant drug, utilizes fluoride as an active ingredient. In food, fluorine naturally occurs in rice, rye, parsley, cabbage, sea vegetables, and bancha twig tea."

Alleged Attacks By Fluoride:

  • damages bones
  • linked to a lower IQ
  • produces Alzheimer like symptoms
  • it's a byproduct of the A-bomb 

that's why it sucks.

what do you think?

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Monday, July 14, 2014

sitting vs. squatting

(notes taken from here)

A Clinical Study of Sitting versus Squatting
In April, 2002, an Iranian radiologist, Dr. Saeed Rad, published a study which compared the effectiveness of sitting versus squatting for evacuation.24    One of his conclusions relates to the cause of a type of hernia known as "rectocele," which is a bulge of the front wall of the rectum into the vagina.
Thirty subjects participated in the study – 21 male, 9 female – ranging in age from 11 to 75 years. Each patient received a barium enema so the internal mechanics of evacuation could be recorded on an X-Ray image. Each patient was studied in both the squatting and the sitting positions.
Using these images, Dr. Rad measured the angle where the end of the rectum joins the anal canal. At this junction point, the puborectalis muscle creates a kink to prevent incontinence. Dr. Rad found that when the subjects used sitting toilets the average angle of this bend was 92 degrees, forcing the subjects to strain. When they used squat toilets, the angle opened to an average of 132 degrees. At times it reached 180 degrees, making the pathway perfectly straight.
Using squat toilets, all the subjects reported "complete" evacuation. "Puborectalis relaxation occurred easily and straightening of the rectum and anal canal facilitated evacuation. The anal canal became wide open and no folding was noticed in the terminal rectum."
In the sitting position, "a remarkable folding was created in the terminal rectum predisposing it to rectocele formation, and puborectalis relaxation was incomplete." All the subjects reported that elimination felt "incomplete" in the sitting position.
Dr. Rad also measured the distance from the pelvic floor to the perineum. In the sitting position he found that the pelvic floor was pushed downwards to a significant degree. (A detailed discussion of the connection between sitting toilets and pelvic organ prolapse – including rectoceles – can be found in thegynecological disorders section.)
Dr. Rad concluded that the use of the squat toilet "is a more comfortable and efficient method of bowel evacuation" than the sitting toilet.

Different types of squat toilets

note:: i've never used squat toilets before and don't think i have the coordination to do so- but would do it if there was a shower nearby! lol

love me,
the globetrotting gamine 

Friday, July 11, 2014

summer days...

this is what [my] summer's all about (charlie brown):
  • family
  • friends
  • parties
  • hanging by the water
  • dresses
  • sightseeing
  • relaxing
  • working
  • trying to find my counseling job
  • preparations for the fall <3

what is your summer all about?
do you have a summer bucket list/goal list?

i would love to know what it is!!

lotsa love!
the globetrotting gamine

Monday, July 7, 2014

stuff about chewing!

Saliva Inhibits HIV (p.59)

Saliva contains substances that pervent the AIDS virus from infecting white-blood cells. In a study, dental researchers tested saliva from three healthy men, 35, 40, and 42 years old. Tests indicated the men were not carriers of the AIDS virus and were not known to be at high risk for infection. In laboratory dishes, the men's saliva prevented the AIDS virus from infecting lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that is among the immune system cells attacked by the AIDS virus in the body. 

The researchers said the finding might help explain why no cases have been documented in which the AIDS virus was transmitted from person to person through asliva such as through kissing or sharing toothbrushes. The scientsts concluded that saliva is wel known to contain substances that kill bacteria and funguses and so might also be able to block the AIDS virus.

Chewing and Cancer Risk:
An Indian cancer researcher concluded that thorough chewing lowered the risk of cancer. "The proper chewing of meals ensuring that mucous-rich saliva mixed with the food seemed to be protective factors." Cancer also appeared to be more prevalent in south Indian where white rice and considerably more fat, oil and spices are used in cooking than in north India where whole-grain chapatis and thick dahl made with lentils are the staple."

you learn something new everyday!
love me,
the globetrotting gamine