Monday, March 31, 2014

enzymes and digestion

(forgive me, i research so much, i don't know where these excerpts are from!)

"Raw food/living food-- an uncooked vegan or vegetarian diet which consists of berries, fruits, vegetables, roots, nuts, flowers, sea vegetables, germinated seeds, sprouts and sometimes raw dairy products for maintenance, not cleansing.

Plants are rich natural sources of antioxidants and other nutrients.

Live food also contains enzymes which act as catalysts for detox and absorption of nutrients. Under naturopathy, juices of certain vegetables and fruits are used as cancer-fighting foods.

Green leaves-- have alkaline minerals, the best fiber, calming and anti-stress properties, are the best chlorophyll source.

Body attempts to adapt to cooked food by increasing the enzyme content of our saliva to begin breaking down the food as quickly as possible. Without proper enzymes to accumulate undigested materials in our system leading to inflammation, stagnation, fatigue and digestive distress.

Saliva of a raw food eater contains far fewer enzymes than that of a person who eats cooked food. This is because raw foods contain enzymes of their own, making salivary enzymes not as strongly needed for digestion. "

Saturday, March 29, 2014

random things i know!

(one of the random things i know-- these 2 cute pups like to be bad together!!)

i had to get these out of my head,
but there was so many
i couldn't categorize them!
(sorry! even if i've repeated them)

  • your immune system tries to attack the 5 a's...antacids, antibiotics, alcohol, advil, animal foods
  • anything white and refined causes candida and suppresses the immune system
  • melatonin is an anti-cancer substance for the entire body
  • genes don't cause disease, but changes in the environment do.
  • remission only occurs in 7% of patients, no evidence that that success rate results from the treatments offered.
  • temporary tumor shrinkage through chemo has never shown to cure cancer or extend life.
  • have a cough-- use licorice herb (i've done this, it's so helpful, yummy, and non-"medicine"
  • prednisone, cortisone and other steroids used to treat dozens of conditions including asthma, lupus and cancer frequently cause weight gain, because they boost the appetite and force the body to retain certain fluids. they CAUSE just as many disorders as they are used for including cancer, heart disease, depression, hostility and aggression and eating disorders and...RISK OF HIV!
  • tumors could disappear when toxins are eliminated
love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Friday, March 28, 2014

helpful websites for cancer related issues

(this was me during my 11th chemo..that led into "relapse" which led me to "have to" go through ICE chemo and BEAM chemo and an autologous stem cell transplant. i was too drugged up all the time (obv.!) to use my full mental capabilities to use this research. when i questioned doctors, they asked me if i was one in a snarky attitude. chemo made me stupid and i couldn't do much except be sick to my stomach and i don't wish it on anyone, ever. of course, they're going to tell you you've relapsed-- CHEMO IS NOT THE CURE, it adds more ACID to your already ACIDIC pH balance!)

a little note:

i wish i had known all of this stuff when i got diagnosed. my life would have been changed dramatically as i wouldn't have gone through 9 months of chemo and chosen to boost my immune system and detox my body instead.

this may help you along your path, whichever one you choose.

while i was forced, scared out of my pants, and pretty much thrown into chemotherapy, i wish i would have used the time to research everything.

what i found out later:

  • there are so many other therapies, natural ones, that could be used. of course, the government would deem those therapies as fraudulent, quackery...and say that there is no proof. there was and there is proof-- but the government has been going into true healers practices since before 1950 and getting rid of all the paperwork and case studies. do they want you to get well, or to be a lifetime consumer of the medical b.s. of brand new medicine until you drop dead? 
  • the world is overpopulated and you are just a statistic.
  • doctors make bonuses when they refer you to chemo!!
  • instead of boosting your immune system to fight off cancer, or any other sickness, they purposely add chemo, which is acid, so it could kill off ALL cells (good and bad.) more chemo = more relapses.
  • The American Medical Association is a labor union.
  • GE is a member of the cancer industry and own NBC.
  • why would they tell you chemo is good? because if they don't, all the Cancer Societies that take good people's money for research would go under, and billions a year would be left to the people. 
  • the AMA/FDA cannot patent and sell something that is natural!!

please research, 

you have time


you matter.

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Thursday, March 27, 2014

what i know NOW!

like any normal person,
i struggled with my weight
i remember weighing 116 pounds at 16
but having a pretty much on the go fast food diet
especially when i got to college.

i gained the weight that 
everyone gains when they begin
a new relationship 
and at one point hit 170 pounds, 
though people don't like to believe me. I have proof.

what i wish i had known was
how to treat my body better
and how to FEED my body better.
it craved nourishment and i didn't know.

the photo way above was me in January 2010...

i'm just going to leave this tiny.
2006. 160 pounds i would say...
no health problems EVER!
always active, working, on the go..
my diet could have been way better!
was on birth control...
stopped that right after this photo was taken
because it was making me way too sick.

i had no idea about cleansing and detoxes, 
or anything of the sort.

i ate when i was hungry and the food
was never nutrient dense.

(above taken January 2010)

i don't like showing bikini photos to anyone
but i feel as if this proves a point.

someone "fat" can be totally healthy
someone "skinny" can be totally sick.

ironically, i was gaining weight before
i was diagnosed.
sometimes i think the diagnosis was wrong.
everyone's got cancer cells inside them every day
but they "got me" and scared me.

also ironically, i had an pneumonia, 
which made me lose weight 
pretty much the second before they diagnosed me. 

i was around 140 pounds in november 2012.

 ^ this picture was taken at the end of 2011.
healthy, happy. eating great food that was good for me.
who knew?

^ right before diagnosis, the beginning of pneumonia...
still 140 pounds.

^ during chemo and right before stem cell transplant...
a steady 136 pounds the whole time going through chemo...

because of the steroids and the fact that they wouldn't allow me fruits or vegetables.

at all.

^ and finally,
feeling happy and healthy again
128 pounds, 6 months post stem cell transplant
finally having learned the wonders of detox,
back to my regular food routine
and wanting to learn more.

so do your research
your body is your temple
we are just energy in this shell
but how will you spread your positive energy
if you're sick?

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

tuesday craftiness, part 2

...and happy Greek Independence day, to all my fellow Greeks out there <3

this painting was the second one i ever made, and it (obviously) represents love.
all the shades, lines, and colors
eventually all blend with love.

i etched a music note in the corner. i know it's not that visible.

i may recreate love again in the future ;)

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Monday, March 24, 2014

health mondays: what they don't tell us

  • all cancers are a form of lymphoma
  • cancer cells cannot form tissue
  • the tumor is not the cancer
  • cancer cells don't threatens patients lives unless it spreads
  • cancer cells reside in tumor tissue
  • tumor size has "nothing to do with curing cancer- it's like a check engine light is on after the problem develops"

  • "when our digestive system doesn't function correctly we're not able to reap the full benefits of the food we eat. Aside from digestion, our system must be able to eliminate toxins efficiently." if not, it could be problematic because exposed to toxic environment which produces inflammation and then creates toxic overload.

  • cleansing the colon helps bring the acid/alkaline ratio back into balance allowing friendly bacteria to thrive while inhibiting disease-causing organisms. almost 80% of our immune system resides in our gut, colon and intestines !
(if you haven't yet, start cleansing now! a cleanse, healthy eating, exercise and perhaps colonics is a surefire way to get your immune system back on track <3 )

be well,
the globetrotting gamine

Friday, March 21, 2014

juice recipes

 hi! welcome back!
now, i like to add different things to my juices as often as i can.
my kitchen has been converted into my (almost) dream apothecary and it's forever changing.

in the above juice:
half a beet
green apples (2)
the green monster:
organic kale
green apples

blood ready-ness:
half a beet
green apples (3)

and please check my instagram
link over ------------------->
there somewhere

for my other juice recipes. 
i try to post as many juices as i can!

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

tuesday craftiness

last year, when I was going through chemo-hell, i decided i needed an outlet for my pent up anger, frustration, and time i had to wait to get back to my life.

so instead of writing (unless to do lists count?) i threw myself into everything!

this is my first painting: hope.

i made it with the thought of the words, hope floats upwards.

so there's hope. floating in the sea, love all around and looking up at the sky.

hope you like it!

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Monday, March 17, 2014

hazardous ingredients on your body

you wouldn't want to harm this cute, fluffy bunny, would you? (i took this picture in my backyard a few years ago)

so why would you even think to harm yourself?

What to Watch OUT for in your beauty/soap/lotion products:

  • Parabens-- "are synthetic preservatives. The cosmetics industry stands strongly behind the belief that parabens are safe, but a growing number of reputable studies say otherwise. FOUND IN: shampoo's, conditioners, styling products, soaps, body washes, moisturizers, shaving creams and gels, cosmetics and toothpastes. LINKED WITH: acute and chronic health hazards including skin toxicity, endocrine disruption, organ toxicity, cancer, reproductive toxicity, and environmental toxicity. 
  • Phthalates: "on ingredient lists, they are disguised as FRAGRANCE. They're used as solvents and to "fix" fragrance to make the aroma last longer, enhance skin penetration, lubricate other ingredients, and keep nail polish from chipping. FOUND IN: Any product with synthetic fragrance may contain phthalates. Look for products with natural fragrances from plants and essential oils and those that disclose the sources of the fragrance. LINKED WITH: cancer, developmental and reproductive toxicity, endocrine disruption, neurotoxicity and neurodevelopmental disorders, toxicity of the brain, kidneys, liver and lungs, and birth defects. Also, toxic to the environment.
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate/Sodium Laureth Sulfate: " are used because they're cheap and they work well as surfactants, making products lather up nicely. Like all surfactant detergents, they remove oils effectively, but they do so indiscriminantly on the skin, which can cause dryness and contact dermatitis. FOUND IN: anything that lathers! Mouthashes and soaps included. LINKED WITH: lower the skin's immunological response, skin inflammation, skin irritation, thickening of the skin, cancer. *NOTE* While the FDA 'encourages' manufacturers to remove the contaminants, the agency hasn't established a limit for allowable levels in cosmetics and there are no laws requiring them to be removed.  The two most common contaminants are: I,4-dioxaine (portable carcinogen linked with other serious problems such as reproductive and developmental effects as well as being a persistent toxic pollutant in the environment.) Nitrosamines: (compounds are believed to cause cancer in humans because they are known carcinogens in animals)
  • Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA):  a stabilizer in cosmetics. LINKED WITH: allergies, contact dermatitis, kidney damage, reproductive and fetal effects.
  • Formaldehyde: preservative, carcinogenic. A.K.A: Diazolidinyl Urea- found in moisturizers, sunscreens, conditioners, body washes, cleansers, styling products. LINKED TO: cancer, mutagenic effects, allergic reaction, skin toxicity, neurotoxicity in the forms of brain and nervous system. A.K.A. Imidazolidinyl Urea- found in fce and body moisturizers, feminine products, cosmetics (all). BIGGEST LINK: cell and skin toxicity. Dimethyl-dimethyl hydantoin: linked to irritation of eyes skin and lungs, and organ toxicity. Quarternium-15: face and body washes, shampoos and conditioners. LINKED TO: allergic reaction, skin sensitization, birth defects, skin toxicity, endocrine disruption. 
  • Propylene Glycol
  • Toluene: nail polishes. LINKED TO: severe irritation of eyes, skin, and lungs, central nervous system damage, kidney and liver damage, developmental effects, birth defects and brain damage.
  • Talc: deodorants, antiperspirants, body powders, cosmetics, eye shadows, powdered concealers, blush, bronzers, sunscreens and SPF products. LINKED TO: asbestos poisoning, cancer
  • Diethanolamine (DEA), Monoethanolamine (MEA) , Triethanolamine (TEA): all toxic to the liver and kidneys, and so much worst.
if you don't believe me, you can always do the research yourself-- which i highly recommend!

(Most excerpts taken from Renee Loux's book, Easy Green Living)

Love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Friday, March 14, 2014


i love to create and drink juice every. single. day.
it's developed into a healthy addiction.
i wake up, i think juice.
shop? what do i need for juicing?
going to sleep-- what am i going to juice tomorrow?
juice-- wish someone would clean the kitchen after i juice!

so pictured here is a photo of my first attempt at red cabbage juice.
it was delicious.
it was PURPLE!
I added green apples, banana, and ginger.

Ginger is so delicious because it..."Historically, ginger has a long tradition of being very effective in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. In herbal medicine, ginger is regarded as an excellentcarminative (a substance which promotes the elimination of intestinal gas) and intestinal spasmolytic (a substance which relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract). Modern scientific research has revealed that ginger possesses numerous therapeutic properties including antioxidant effects, an ability to inhibit the formation of inflammatory compounds, and direct anti-inflammatory effects."

Oh, yeah.

Green Apples: 

The green apple nutrition chart - Hence the benefits!

Vitamin A
Vitamin B - 6
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Pantothenic Acid
have anti-infection compounds.

I love, love, love juicing. 
Please ask, if you have any questions. 
I'm always happy to help you guys on the quest of perfect juice potions and elixirs!

and please, if you can make your own-- do it <3

love me
the globetrotting gamine

Thursday, March 13, 2014

bestie summer inspiration

a little blip
of what havoc
we will have!

we just have to
wait a little while longer
for the weather to be
to be

can't wait!

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

crafting my blog

this is me.
i did not make this photo extra large as to not scare you.
i am fresh out of a shower here so don't judge.
my husband (Love of My Life or LML) insists I take a photo of my hair every week since after my stem cell transplant for hodgkin's lymphoma.

i was thinking about my blog yesterday, and decided i need to make it more organized.
but alas, my thoughts are not organized.
there is not only a few things that interest me, but a TEAM of things that do.

So I came up with days of the week I can break my main likes into.

Mondays- Health issues/topics based on wellness and nutrition.
Tuesdays- Crafts
Wednesdays- all things Travel
Thursdays- Inspirations-- people, clothes, life
Fridays- Recipes, most likely juice recipes (you can tell by my instagram :) )
Saturdays/Sundays- misc.

I hope you stick around-- I talk a lot, I may come off way too passionate about a lot of things but this is life. my life. thanks for reading and i hope you stick around <3

love me,
the globetrotting gamine

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Heat and Cancer

Bits and Pieces of these excerpts are taken from the awesome book, Cancer:: Step Outside the Box:

Hippocrates once said that illness not cured by heat is incurable.

So I have been wondering if there is any truth to this but I haven't researched that much further into it.

"Hyperthermia gives cancer a triple whammy.
1- removing accumulation of toxic chemicals that cause cancer.
2- improves circulation so that tissues are both nourished with oxygen and flushed of acidic wastes.
3- weakening or even killing cancer cells that have a lower tolerance for heat than healthy cells.

Dr. Josef Issels stated, "Artificially induced fever has the greatest potential in the treatment of many diseases including cancer." "

I also wrote down that a vitamin c IV drip kills cancer cells while leaving normal cells alone and strengthens the immune system at the same time.

Does anyone have any stories about any of these? I would love to hear them!

If you do, please post.

Lots of love!
The Globetrotting Gamine

Monday, March 3, 2014

what i know for sure

there will always be footprints in the sand

there will always be rainbows after rain

lotsa love
the globetrotting gamine