Friday, February 28, 2014

detox herbs and foods!

just a running list of some detox herbs and foods:

  • organic fruits
  • blue green algae
  • barley
  • wheatgrass
  • kale
  • chard
  • spinach
  • spirulina
  • alfaalfa 
  • arugula
  • leafy greens
  • lemons
  • oranges
  • limes
  • garlic
  • broccoli
  • sprouts
raw and organic vegetables to consume:
  • onions
  • carrots
  • artichokes
  • asparagus
  • cabbage
  • kale
  • brussel sprouts
  • cauliflower
  • garlic
  • beets
  • turmeric
  • oregano
  • seeds,
  • nuts
  • peppermint
  • eucalyptus
  • dandelion
  • stinging nettle
  • organic milk thistle
  • turmeric
  • rosemary
  • blackwalnut
  • cayenne
  • curry
  • cumin
  • wormwood
  • cilantro
i use most of these on a daily/weekly basis. don't laugh.

take care of you,
the globetrotting gamine

Thursday, February 27, 2014

your immune system, detoxing and cancer

What Foods Help Your Immune System:

  • sesame tahini
  • dark chocolate
  • pumpkin seeds
  • turmeric
  • melatonin
  • broccoli (has indol-3 carbind)
  • aloe vera
  • astragalus
  • essiac tea
  • (any organic fruit and vegetable, especially if they are juiced)
  • garlic (stronger and faster acting than any antibiotic on the market)
What Activities Help your Immune System?:
exercising, playing in the sun without chemical-laden sunscreen, swimming in the ocean or sea, sweating, doing things that make you happy, dancing, rebounding.

Where is your Immune System Located?: 
about 80% of your immune system is located in your GUT!! That's right-- stomach, liver and intestines, and colon. Be kind to them!

How to Feel Better When You're Sick: 
starve the parasites in your system that are making you sick!
 Here's how!:

  • no alcohol, bread, dairy, vinegars, mushrooms, sugar, refined or processed anything! (that's what feeds the parasites)
  • kill the parasites by using pau d'arco, cloves, cinnamon sticks, fennel, bee propolis as herbs in tea or in food. they don't like these things.
  • oxygenate blood-- organic olive oil, flax seed oil, seasweeds, and spirulina in organic juices and smoothies
  • alkalise your system: water with lemon, or distilled water with lots of lemon!
  • boost your immune system: cats claw, echinacea, essiac tea, astragalus, chlorella, (all purify blood, antibacterial properties) maybe you can throw in a cleanse (I have used Life Renewal's My First Cleanse and then Paragone. You just take them as directed and wait to poop. It's not crazy at all. If you want crazy, I can show you pictures, lol)
  • build up the good guys-- use a quality probiotic, which allows good bacteria into your gut so it fights off the bad bacteria you may have lost from a less than stellar diet
  • detox- cleanses at health food stores, hydrotherapy sessions, sauna sessions (SWEATING!), rebounding (jumping on the trampoline!) 
  • always drink a LOT of water to get your bowels moving so everything goes back into sync. you should be able to poop easily 1-2 times PER DAY! if you're not doing this at all, I would recommend a series of hydrotherapy sessions- they're super safe, and they get rid of everything stuck in your intestines/gut.
At this time, I've researched that it's best to up your immune system by fresh, organic produce, juicing, and all natural veggie broths that you make yourself. Nothing from a can.

So, You've Heard of Superfoods, Right?

They raise your immune system AND seratonin production, and LOWER inflammation. (that last part is key!) They also enhance sexuality, cleanse and alkalize the body.

Not too shabby, right?

What products count as superfoods?

  • cacao
  • goji berries
  • maca powder
  • hemp
  • spirulina
  • bee products
  • camu berry
  • sea vegetables
  • medicinal mushrooms
Did you go through hell with chemo the way I did? With all Cancer Patients, or even HEALTHY patients-- detox is key. Aside from pooping, hydrotherapy, colonics and sweating there are so many things you can do! Don't count out intestinal cleanses, as well as cleanses for the liver, gallbladder, parasites and DEFINITELY chemical and heavy metal cleanses!! 

  • Change your teeth fillings if their amalgam...mercury!!
  • notice the chem trails in our skies? those aren't supposed to be there, they're spraying chemicals on us and nature.
  • mercury in fish
  • fluoride
  • pollution in a heavily populated area-- those are all things cleanses are NECESSARY for.
I want to ask you one question: How many products do you put on you daily? Ready?

  • you brush your teeth and gargle with mouthwash-- how many ingredients are in those?
  • how many ingredients are in your deodorant?
  • how many ingredients in your makeup, each product you use on your face?
  • how many ingredients in your perfume/cologne/hairspray/hair products?
  • what about hand and body lotions? how many ingredients do you recognize in those?
  • did you wash your clothes with DETERGENT and FABRIC SOFTENER and DRYER sheets? What's in those?
  • You didn't even drink anything yet- what are you drinking?
  • Did you eat yet? What are you eating?
  • Do you smoke?
  • Do you drink alcohol?
  • Did you walk around outside today?
  • Ever take medicine? Antibiotics? Over the counter meds?
  • What about vaccinations?

Then answer me why "cancer" is now 1 out of every 3 people instead of 1 out of 1000s?? Isn't it weird that right after the development of the "American Medical Association" was born the Pharmaceutical corporations? Isn't it weird that in the early 1900s during this, HYDROTHERAPY MACHINES were pulled OUT OF DOCTORS OFFICES??

How come very few people know what enemas and colonics/hydrotherapy really do?

They don't want you to know.

Isn't it weird that very few people died from c. back then? Do you think it's ok for someone to squish your boobs or lymphnodes until you're in screaming pain, or vaccum your nipples to see if you discharge? How about you stick an arm or a penis in one of those machines and tell me what it does to that body part? Last I heard, no one should be hurting their bodies in barbaric ways, because THAT causes problems!

Answer me, why all the testing to see if you have cancer, and what does it really do to you?

Answer me, do you know all the side effects from each and every medicine you take?

Do you know that cancer is over-diagnosed for statistical improvement so that people like us can feel safe with what the doctors are telling us?

Did you ever hear a doctor say that the chemo being done to your body is curing your cancer? Why do they only use the word RESPONDING? WTF? Because they don't know if you will be cured-- but if you build up your immune system instead of killing it with chemo, and then detox religiously, your body may have a shot.

I know not a lot of people will care to read this, or respond. Those of you who have, thank you. Those of you who think all that stuff up there is just fine, I'm sorry. If you come out of your bubble and research just a little bit you will see that it isn't. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

oregano oil

I've been learning how to make different essential oils/cooking oils/healing oils on my own. My hubs (a.k.a. LML, short for love of my life) should be very happy, I thought, as I told him about what I was doing, and all he tells me in response is that my Father-in-Law used to do stuff like this.

Well, at least if we'd ever have a child, that's going to be some interesting blood line.

I started off by making oregano oil. What are the properties of oregano oil? Well...
"The ingredients in oil of oregano are unique

What is sold in most traditional grocery stores as oregano is not wild Mediterranean oregano. It has little preventative or therapeutic value. Real wild Mediterranean oregano is of two varieties. Thymus capitatus is the variety that grows in Spain. Most of the oregano that grows throughout the rest of the Mediterranean is the origanum vulgare variety. In order to obtain the health benefits of oil of oregano, the oregano must be of one of these two varieties.

These are the ingredients found in oil of oregano that provide its unique properties:

Carvacrol has been proven in studies to be a powerful antimicrobial, so powerful that it can be used to preserve food and render it self-stable. Reseach has shown it to be effective against candida albicans, the aspergillus mold, staphylococcus, campylobacter, klebsiella, e.coli, giardia, pseudomonas, salmonella, and listeria. Carvacrol provides many of the health benefits of oil of oregano .

Thymol is a natural fungicide with antiseptic properties. It is the active ingredient in Listerine mouthwash. Thymol is also an immune system booster and a shield against toxins. It is capable of preventing tissue damage and encouraging healing.

Terpenes is the source of the word turpentine. Terpenes give off a pine scent and are also produced by pine trees. Terpenes have potent antibacterial properties.

Rosmarinic acid is a stronger antioxidant than vitamin E. It prevents free radical damage and is instrumental in preventing atherosclerosis and cancer. Rosmarinic acid has shown to be effective in the treatment of allergic asthma. It reduces fluid build up and swelling during an allergy attack, and is an effective natural antihistamine.

Naringin is the substance that gives grapefruit its bitter taste. It has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and helps boost the effect of antioxidants.

Oil of oregano also contains a good amount of the vitamin E complex, as well as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, boron, manganese, vitamins A and C, and niacin.

Recent research shows oil of oregano beneficial to the colon and liver

A study reported in the journal Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology investigated the treatment efficacy of intra-rectal and intra-peritoneal application of oregano oil on induced colitis in rats using a morphological damage score. They found a significant difference in terms of ulceration, mucus cell depletion, inflammatory cell infiltration, vascular dilatation, crypt abcesses, and edema between the group given oregano oil compared to the control group.

A study reported in the journal Mediators of Inflammation examined the anti-inflammatory effects of the combination of thyme and oregano oil administered at three concentrations on mice with induced colitis. They found that the treatment decreased the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1beta, IL-6, GM-CSF, and TNF-alpha, especially after the application of the medium dose of 0.2% thyme and 0.1% oregano oil. The medium dose also significantly lowered the amount of the IL-1beta and IL-6 proteins. Administration of the medium dose decreased the mortality rate, accelerated the body weight gain recovery, and reduced the macroscopic damage of the colonic tissue.

Phytomedicine reports a study to investigate the possible effects of carvacrol obtained from oregano oil on the regenerative feature of the liver following partial hepatectomy in rats. The liver regeneration rate of the animals was calculated measuring the weights of their livers before and after the hepatectomy. The researchers found that the liver regeneration increased significantly in the rats given the oregano oil compared to the control group.

Another study reported in Phytomedicine investigated the comparative effects of carvacrol in the liver of rats subjected to restricted blood supply and the restoration of blood flow to the organs and tissues following a period of time. They found that carvacrol ws able to protect the liver against defects caused by the event. They also found carvacrol to be non-hepatotoxic at the applied doses.

Oil of oregano is a powerful and versatile medicine

In his book, The Cure is in the Cupboard, Dr. Cass Ingram tells of how oil of oregano saved his life after he contacted a blood borne fungus from an IV needle. He claims that oil of oregano holds supremacy as nature's most powerful and versatile antiseptic. It is a preservative that can be used to halt the growth of microbes and reduce the risk for food poisoning in meats, eggs, milk and other foods. In his book he lists more than 170 conditions for which the oil may be useful, including treatment for athletes foot, psoriasis, eczema, worms, amoebae, and protozoa. It is helpful in combating diarrhea, intestinal gas, sore throat, sinusitis, breathing difficulties, dandruff, diaper rash, bee stings and venomous bites. It can help reduce fever, relieve cramps, and reduce the effects of measles and mumps.

Herbal authority Steven Foster credits oregano as having been used successfully to treat indigestion, diarrhea, nervous tension, insect bites, toothache, earache, rheumatism, and coughs due to whopping cough and bronchitis.

Using oil of oregano

There is a large quality difference in oil of oregano products currently on the market. Most products do not contain pure oil of oregano. They are instead a combination of oregano oil with a dilutive oil such as olive or flax. Some of these products probably contain a significant amount of oil of oregano, others do not, but there is no way to know. It would also be helpful to know if the oil of oregano was naturally extracted. If you find a brand that tells you how much actual oil of oregano is in the product, the next step is to determine the amount of the active ingredients which are primarily the volatile oils carvacrol and thymol. This is not an easy task.

Supplements of oregano oil are available as tinctures and capsules. Oreganol is a popular product but the oil of oregano is listed as part of a proprietary blend, so you really don't have any idea what you are getting. It is expensive, so its price may be an indication of quality or it may not.

Bio-alternatives makes a tincture that it says it provides 85% naturally extracted carvacrol, but it is blended with olive oil, so you don't know how much oil of oregano is in it. A one ounce bottle sells for $17.99. This oregano is the origanum vulgare variety.

Byron Richards of Wellness Resources has done a fairly good job of coming clean about what is in his Oregano Oil product. According to him each capsule contains 100 mg. of wild oregano oil that is 55%-65% carvacrol. He doesn't tell you how it was extracted. A bottle of 180 capsules sells for about $28.00. This oregano is the thymus capitatus variety.

Oregano can be grown in the garden and processed in the kitchen.

Learn more:"

The Link above shows more info, I did copy and paste from I'm on their site all the time!

Note:: I made the oil, that is now waiting until it's "Ready" with wild Mediterranean oregano since I have relatives in Greece that sent us some. Along with turmeric, I use oregano all the time. 

This article was found on


Oregano oil comes from the leaves of oregano plants, Origanum vulgare, which belong to the mint family. Oregano grows wild in Mediterranean regions, where it has long been valued for its healing properties. The word oregano means "joy of the mountains," and the ancient Greeks used this herb to treat headaches, indigestion, seizures and wounds. Today, oregano oil is valued for its antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Check with your physician before using oil of oregano to treat specific health problems.


According to "The Cure is in the Cupboard," a book written by Cass Ingram, M.D., oil of oregano is a powerful antioxidant, meaning it might destroy free radicals that cause cancer, strokes and heart disease. Oregano oil works as an antioxidant because of several potent compounds, including rosmarinic acid, hydroxycinnamic acid, p-hydroxyhydrocaffeic acid and labiatic acid. The American Cancer Society adds that the oregano herb contains about 30 times more antioxidant capacity than oranges and 42 times the antioxidant power of apples."
Well, of course, since the ANCIENT GREEKS used it, according to WebMD and other sites, there is not enough "information" out there to support the good that oregano oil does.
Time time time, see what's become of us.

If you have any questions about my oregano oil, please contact me! 

Have a lovely day,
The Globetrotting Gamine

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

antigua, guatemala

 The snow falls deep; the forest lies alone;
The boy goes hasty for his load of brakes,
Then thinks upon the fire and hurries back;
The gypsy knocks his hands and tucks them up,
And seeks his squalid camp, half hid in snow,
Beneath the oak which breaks away the wind,
And bushes close in snow like hovel warm;
There tainted mutton wastes upon the coals,
And the half-wasted dog squats close and rubs,
Then feels the heat too strong, and goes aloof;
He watches well, but non a bit can spare,
And vainly waits the morsel thrown away.
'Tis thus they live--a picture to the place,
A quiet, pilfering, unprotected race.
-John Clare

Sunday, February 16, 2014

where i left my heart..

 these are some
of the greatest memories
i've ever had.

i fell in love
with guatemala
and it hasn't been stolen

where have you
left your heart?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

products i love...

since i've been researching and learning so much
(and constantly reading the unnecessary and dangerous ingredients that you just use in the SHOWER...of all places, so chemicals can get into super-sensitive parts? creepy.)

and with one of my dear friends as inspiration <3
i began using Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap back in September
for my hair (the 2 strands i had then to the chia pet i have now)
and body...
and i fell in love.

especially the peppermint soap--absolute favorite EVER--
is awesome.
fair trade,
and you can even PRONOUNCE the ingredients!
like you're supposed to.

Dr. Robert Norse, N.D. calls the skin
the "third kidney"
so aside from exercise, and food,
take care of your skin
and take care of what you're putting on it.

i HIGHLY recommend Dr. Bronner's, 
it's seriously one of the best soaps I've ever used.

(and can use it on anything, and almost anywhere!!!)

be healthy,
the globetrotting gamine

Monday, February 10, 2014

hi, it's me.

(that's me, exactly 6 months after my autologous stem cell transplant)

i am very well aware that my blog is titled, 'the globetrotting gamine'.

that's me, always has been, always will be.

i may have multiple likes, dislikes, skills, extra crazy textbook/non textbook knowledge but i do still wander the world.

that's pretty much what we all do.

so i thank you for sticking by me, while i copy texts out of really old books in order to hopefully HELP some of you, because cancer is pretty scary and it sucks.

but it's only scary if you let it be. and your doctors are probably pretty dead set on that. mine were.

you have time to make your decisions, to research, to figure out what you really want to do.

your life is in your hands, and it took me a long time to realize that.

sometimes, even if they're your doctors, you have to cut the toxic people out of your life, especially now.

doctors, friends, even family-- no one's perfect, and no one's family is perfect but there is no reason to spend your time more upset about needless information thrown at you.

you are not a statistic. you are a human. you are a soul. a big ball of stardust and energy just here for right now, to complete what you were sent here for and to move on.

don't let anyone make you feel like you are not worth it. i don't care who they are.

they don't know squat about you.

think about it.

people only know what you tell them. then, they hear only what they want to hear.
especially the toxic ones who have nothing better to do then make you feel teeny, because they themselves feel teeny.

that's not your problem. you have your own set of problems, your own karma to work out.

i pray a lot. i pray for different things. i had been praying for years that toxic people simply fall away from my life so i could make way for good people who would love me, support me, encourage me as much as i do them. i got really lucky...

you cut the old ties and so many great things come out of doing it. you don't have to wish people ill will. i never did. i want them to be happy enough in their own lives to not think of me enough to wish me harm. i picture them surrounded with light and love and float-y goodness.

i know it sounds hokey, but it's healed me.

this will heal you, too. it's a stepping stone.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

outta my mind...

there are so many notebooks i've filled with a gaggle of information from medical, spiritual, new age, self help, and history book that it's hard to keep my mouth shut after having gone through hell with "the medical field".

for example-- being stuck home in the snow does not inspire me to sit on the couch and just watch movies all day (even though i do watch movies.) there is a lot of research that i've been doing, ironically even way before i was diagnosed with stage 2 hodgkin's lymphoma.

i've traveled to 25 or so countries. the picture above is me examining "clay baths" in Dominica. i've always been a health nut but i still have no idea what i want to do with my life! i am a certified school counselor, m.s. though.

so this is what i know that i've probably already stated.

get educated-- and sometimes you have to educate yourself.

i know that all of these are good for the lymph system:

  • acupuncture
  • massage
  • any  kind of moving, like dancing!
  • water, lots. stay very hydrated!
  • detox! any kind you can, even more than one at a time
  • yoga
  • meditation
  • deep breathing
  • clay baths
  • lymphatic drainage massage
  • chiropractic appointments
  • ear candling, too much wax in your ear slows down your lymph
  • plenty of veggies
  • plenty of fruits (both of these raw, especially melon and berries to keep the lymph moving)
  • rebounding!
  • oil pulling
  • loose clothes
  • castor oil packs
  • herbs
  • vitamin c! esp. in iv drips!
  • oxygen to the cells
  • frankincense oil on the feet and chest
  • so much more!
i'm always open to question, and i am thankful that i get to answer all of yours! 

thanks for sticking around, i have so much more to share with you!

~the globetrotting gamine

Monday, February 3, 2014

Wheatgrass Manna and Ann Wigmore

As per 'Get Well Naturally' by Linda Clark:

The use of wheatgrass--

"Dr. Wigmore is quick to point out that wheatgrass should not be construed as a cure for any disease. But by furnishing the body with live minerals, vitamins, trace elements, and chlorophyll, it may be able to repair itself. Judging by the many testimonials which are coming to Dr. Wigmore from all over the United States, this type of nutrition is apparently producing a protective effect on some people.

Iscador the name for a remedy said to be derived from mistletoe. This remedy is being studied by the Society for Cancer Research in Switzerland. The society seeks no material gain, is directed by practicing physicians, and may be contacted by...

Calvacin, an anti-tumor agent extracted from the giant puffball mushroom (Calvatia giganteum). It has been found active against 14 types of animal cancer, as reported in Science, by 13 investigators from Armour and Company, Sloan Kettering Institute, and Michigan State University. According to the science page of the New York Times, January 8th, 1961, which called attention to this discovery, "The substance is not available for treating malignant tumors in humans but may go on clinical trial by mid-1961." Where is this remedy and why is it not availble?

As per wikipedia:


Wigmore was born Anna Marie Warapicki in Lithuania on March 4, 1909 to Antanas (1877-1959) and Anna (1882-?) Warapicki. Her father emigrated to America in 1908, settling in Middleboro, Massachusetts, where he first worked as a laborer in a shoe manufacturing company (1920 Fed Census/1924 & 1925 Middleboro city directories) and later as a truck driver for a bakery (1930 Fed Census) during Wigmore's American teen-age years; Wigmore's mother followed five years later, aboard the ship Erlangen, arriving at Ellis Island on June 16, 1913. After World War I, Anna Marie, then 13, and her brother, Mykola, age 15, (both surnames erroneously entered on the ship's passenger log as "Varapickis") accompanied by an uncle, arrived at Ellis Island on December 9, 1922, on the ship USS America, to join their parents and younger sister Helen, born February 19, 1921, in Middleboro. The 1930 Federal Census found Wigmore living in Bristol, Massachusetts and working as a hospital maid under the name of Anna Warap.
On December 25, 1930, Anna Marie (again under the name "Warap" per wedding coverage Stoughton News-Sentinel, 1 Jan 1931) married Everett Arnold Wigmore (1907-1969), of Stoughton, Massachusetts, where they resided during their marriage.[1] A daughter, Wilma Edith Wigmore, was born on July 9, 1941.[2] On January 12, 1942, Wigmore became a United States citizen under Certificate No. 5302785, U.S. District Court, Boston, Massachusetts.[3] The Wigmores later divorced sometime in the 1950ties-60ties. Mr. Wigmore remarried; apparently Ann Wigmore did not.
In 1968, Ann Wigmore co-founded the Hippocrates Health Institute,[4] a health resort in the United States, with Viktoras Kulvinskas.[5] Known as "the mother of living foods", she was an early pioneer in the use of wheatgrass juice and living foods for detoxifying and healing the body, mind, and spirit.[6] She died in Boston on February 16, 1994 of smoke inhalation from a fire at the Ann Wigmore Foundation.[7] When Ann Wigmore died her Institute was not named the Hippocrates Health Institute. It was called the Ann Wigmore Foundation. Brian Clement owned the Hippocrates Health Institute which he moved from Boston to West Palm Beach, Florida.
In her autobiography, Why Suffer?: How I Overcame Illness & Pain Naturally, Wigmore recalls observing her grandmother using herbs and natural remedies as a child inLithuania.[8] As an adult, she began researching and testing various whole foods and diet approaches, which she credits with solving her medical problems and changing her life.[9]


A number of institutes carry on her work by offering educational programs and retreats, home study courses, recipes, books, and other resources. These include:

Sunday, February 2, 2014

can cancer be prevented?

Continuing on to page 225...

Dr. Harry Rubin, of the Univeristy of California Virology Laboratory, feels that in the war against cancer, it is more practical to build up the body resistance and defenses against cancer than to fight it. (modern Nutrition (June 1961, p.8).

The late Dr. D.T.Quigley, mentioned above, and whose patients had no recurrence of cancer, provided they followed his dietary advice, agreed that the best way to prevent cancer is to build up the body defenses through excellent nutrition. In this way the tissues, cells and organs are kept in such a healthy state that in his opinion, cancer cannot take hold. His dietary advice is to avoid absolutely all refined, synthetic and processed foods. He bans white flour, enriched fortified foods, white sugar and foods with chemical additives. He recommends natural foods, whole foods, raw vegetables and fruits, generous amounts of protein, raw certified (INSTEAD OF PASTEURIZED) milk, whole grains, plus all the known natural vitamins and minerals. Dr. Quigley wrote:

"A return to normal food alone will never bring health up to normal standard. To make up for the past dietary sins, concentrated vitamins should be taken for 6 months to two years, in order that the individual may reach a point where, with his reserve restored, he can carry on with a balanced is essential that the concentrate contain all the vitamins, both known and unknown....For this reason no synthetic preparation can completely replace the vitamins in which the average person may be deficient. Such foods as yeast, liver and wheat germ are excellent sources...." (The National Malnutrition.)

Dr. J.R.Davidson (now retired), former associate professor of clinial medicine at the University of Manitoba says I believe cancer, a deficiency disease, can be prevented and controlled by a suitable and balanced diet, high in vitamin content.

" I do not pretend to be able to benefit patients in whom the disease has reached advanced or terminal stages, because that does not give any treatment a fair chance. In the patients whom I am treating, however, some of whom have suffered from clearly diagnosed cancers of a severe degree, I can claim some improvement in many cases.

"The diet I prescribe, varied to some extent in each individual case, includes one pint of vegetable juice per day, such as carrot, lettuce and celery juices, prepared freshly, plenty of raw vegetables, particularly peas, beans, carrots, spinach, lettuce, whole wheat bread, supplemented by wheat germ, meat cooked rare, raw milk, and concentrated vitamins of various kinds." (Reprint 189, Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee 3, Wisconsin.)