this is me.
i did not make this photo extra large as to not scare you.
i am fresh out of a shower here so don't judge.
my husband (Love of My Life or LML) insists I take a photo of my hair every week since after my stem cell transplant for hodgkin's lymphoma.
i was thinking about my blog yesterday, and decided i need to make it more organized.
but alas, my thoughts are not organized.
there is not only a few things that interest me, but a TEAM of things that do.
So I came up with days of the week I can break my main likes into.
Mondays- Health issues/topics based on wellness and nutrition.
Tuesdays- Crafts
Wednesdays- all things Travel
Thursdays- Inspirations-- people, clothes, life
Fridays- Recipes, most likely juice recipes (you can tell by my instagram :) )
Saturdays/Sundays- misc.
I hope you stick around-- I talk a lot, I may come off way too passionate about a lot of things but this is life. my life. thanks for reading and i hope you stick around <3
love me,
the globetrotting gamine
Looking GREAT and healthy, better than ever. All that you are working so hard for is HAPPENING. You should be so Proud! Keep it up. :)