- sesame tahini
- dark chocolate
- pumpkin seeds
- turmeric
- melatonin
- broccoli (has indol-3 carbind)
- aloe vera
- astragalus
- essiac tea
- (any organic fruit and vegetable, especially if they are juiced)
- garlic (stronger and faster acting than any antibiotic on the market)
What Activities Help your Immune System?:
exercising, playing in the sun without chemical-laden sunscreen, swimming in the ocean or sea, sweating, doing things that make you happy, dancing, rebounding.
exercising, playing in the sun without chemical-laden sunscreen, swimming in the ocean or sea, sweating, doing things that make you happy, dancing, rebounding.
Where is your Immune System Located?:
about 80% of your immune system is located in your GUT!! That's right-- stomach, liver and intestines, and colon. Be kind to them!
How to Feel Better When You're Sick:
starve the parasites in your system that are making you sick!
Here's how!:
- no alcohol, bread, dairy, vinegars, mushrooms, sugar, refined or processed anything! (that's what feeds the parasites)
- kill the parasites by using pau d'arco, cloves, cinnamon sticks, fennel, bee propolis as herbs in tea or in food. they don't like these things.
- oxygenate blood-- organic olive oil, flax seed oil, seasweeds, and spirulina in organic juices and smoothies
- alkalise your system: water with lemon, or distilled water with lots of lemon!
- boost your immune system: cats claw, echinacea, essiac tea, astragalus, chlorella, (all purify blood, antibacterial properties) maybe you can throw in a cleanse (I have used Life Renewal's My First Cleanse and then Paragone. You just take them as directed and wait to poop. It's not crazy at all. If you want crazy, I can show you pictures, lol)
- build up the good guys-- use a quality probiotic, which allows good bacteria into your gut so it fights off the bad bacteria you may have lost from a less than stellar diet
- detox- cleanses at health food stores, hydrotherapy sessions, sauna sessions (SWEATING!), rebounding (jumping on the trampoline!)
- always drink a LOT of water to get your bowels moving so everything goes back into sync. you should be able to poop easily 1-2 times PER DAY! if you're not doing this at all, I would recommend a series of hydrotherapy sessions- they're super safe, and they get rid of everything stuck in your intestines/gut.
At this time, I've researched that it's best to up your immune system by fresh, organic produce, juicing, and all natural veggie broths that you make yourself. Nothing from a can.
So, You've Heard of Superfoods, Right?
They raise your immune system AND seratonin production, and LOWER inflammation. (that last part is key!) They also enhance sexuality, cleanse and alkalize the body.
Not too shabby, right?
What products count as superfoods?
- cacao
- goji berries
- maca powder
- hemp
- spirulina
- bee products
- camu berry
- sea vegetables
- medicinal mushrooms
Did you go through hell with chemo the way I did? With all Cancer Patients, or even HEALTHY patients-- detox is key. Aside from pooping, hydrotherapy, colonics and sweating there are so many things you can do! Don't count out intestinal cleanses, as well as cleanses for the liver, gallbladder, parasites and DEFINITELY chemical and heavy metal cleanses!!
- Change your teeth fillings if their amalgam...mercury!!
- notice the chem trails in our skies? those aren't supposed to be there, they're spraying chemicals on us and nature.
- mercury in fish
- fluoride
- pollution in a heavily populated area-- those are all things cleanses are NECESSARY for.
I want to ask you one question: How many products do you put on you daily? Ready?
- you brush your teeth and gargle with mouthwash-- how many ingredients are in those?
- how many ingredients are in your deodorant?
- how many ingredients in your makeup, each product you use on your face?
- how many ingredients in your perfume/cologne/hairspray/hair products?
- what about hand and body lotions? how many ingredients do you recognize in those?
- did you wash your clothes with DETERGENT and FABRIC SOFTENER and DRYER sheets? What's in those?
- You didn't even drink anything yet- what are you drinking?
- Did you eat yet? What are you eating?
- Do you smoke?
- Do you drink alcohol?
- Did you walk around outside today?
- Ever take medicine? Antibiotics? Over the counter meds?
- What about vaccinations?
Then answer me why "cancer" is now 1 out of every 3 people instead of 1 out of 1000s?? Isn't it weird that right after the development of the "American Medical Association" was born the Pharmaceutical corporations? Isn't it weird that in the early 1900s during this, HYDROTHERAPY MACHINES were pulled OUT OF DOCTORS OFFICES??
How come very few people know what enemas and colonics/hydrotherapy really do?
They don't want you to know.
Isn't it weird that very few people died from c. back then? Do you think it's ok for someone to squish your boobs or lymphnodes until you're in screaming pain, or vaccum your nipples to see if you discharge? How about you stick an arm or a penis in one of those machines and tell me what it does to that body part? Last I heard, no one should be hurting their bodies in barbaric ways, because THAT causes problems!
Answer me, why all the testing to see if you have cancer, and what does it really do to you?
Answer me, do you know all the side effects from each and every medicine you take?
Do you know that cancer is over-diagnosed for statistical improvement so that people like us can feel safe with what the doctors are telling us?
Did you ever hear a doctor say that the chemo being done to your body is curing your cancer? Why do they only use the word RESPONDING? WTF? Because they don't know if you will be cured-- but if you build up your immune system instead of killing it with chemo, and then detox religiously, your body may have a shot.
I know not a lot of people will care to read this, or respond. Those of you who have, thank you. Those of you who think all that stuff up there is just fine, I'm sorry. If you come out of your bubble and research just a little bit you will see that it isn't.