(that's me, exactly 6 months after my autologous stem cell transplant)
i am very well aware that my blog is titled, 'the globetrotting gamine'.
that's me, always has been, always will be.
i may have multiple likes, dislikes, skills, extra crazy textbook/non textbook knowledge but i do still wander the world.
that's pretty much what we all do.
so i thank you for sticking by me, while i copy texts out of really old books in order to hopefully HELP some of you, because cancer is pretty scary and it sucks.
but it's only scary if you let it be. and your doctors are probably pretty dead set on that. mine were.
you have time to make your decisions, to research, to figure out what you really want to do.
your life is in your hands, and it took me a long time to realize that.
sometimes, even if they're your doctors, you have to cut the toxic people out of your life, especially now.
doctors, friends, even family-- no one's perfect, and no one's family is perfect but there is no reason to spend your time more upset about needless information thrown at you.
you are not a statistic. you are a human. you are a soul. a big ball of stardust and energy just here for right now, to complete what you were sent here for and to move on.
don't let anyone make you feel like you are not worth it. i don't care who they are.
they don't know squat about you.
think about it.
people only know what you tell them. then, they hear only what they want to hear.
especially the toxic ones who have nothing better to do then make you feel teeny, because they themselves feel teeny.
that's not your problem. you have your own set of problems, your own karma to work out.
i pray a lot. i pray for different things. i had been praying for years that toxic people simply fall away from my life so i could make way for good people who would love me, support me, encourage me as much as i do them. i got really lucky...
you cut the old ties and so many great things come out of doing it. you don't have to wish people ill will. i never did. i want them to be happy enough in their own lives to not think of me enough to wish me harm. i picture them surrounded with light and love and float-y goodness.
i know it sounds hokey, but it's healed me.
this will heal you, too. it's a stepping stone.
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