Sunday, February 2, 2014

can cancer be prevented?

Continuing on to page 225...

Dr. Harry Rubin, of the Univeristy of California Virology Laboratory, feels that in the war against cancer, it is more practical to build up the body resistance and defenses against cancer than to fight it. (modern Nutrition (June 1961, p.8).

The late Dr. D.T.Quigley, mentioned above, and whose patients had no recurrence of cancer, provided they followed his dietary advice, agreed that the best way to prevent cancer is to build up the body defenses through excellent nutrition. In this way the tissues, cells and organs are kept in such a healthy state that in his opinion, cancer cannot take hold. His dietary advice is to avoid absolutely all refined, synthetic and processed foods. He bans white flour, enriched fortified foods, white sugar and foods with chemical additives. He recommends natural foods, whole foods, raw vegetables and fruits, generous amounts of protein, raw certified (INSTEAD OF PASTEURIZED) milk, whole grains, plus all the known natural vitamins and minerals. Dr. Quigley wrote:

"A return to normal food alone will never bring health up to normal standard. To make up for the past dietary sins, concentrated vitamins should be taken for 6 months to two years, in order that the individual may reach a point where, with his reserve restored, he can carry on with a balanced is essential that the concentrate contain all the vitamins, both known and unknown....For this reason no synthetic preparation can completely replace the vitamins in which the average person may be deficient. Such foods as yeast, liver and wheat germ are excellent sources...." (The National Malnutrition.)

Dr. J.R.Davidson (now retired), former associate professor of clinial medicine at the University of Manitoba says I believe cancer, a deficiency disease, can be prevented and controlled by a suitable and balanced diet, high in vitamin content.

" I do not pretend to be able to benefit patients in whom the disease has reached advanced or terminal stages, because that does not give any treatment a fair chance. In the patients whom I am treating, however, some of whom have suffered from clearly diagnosed cancers of a severe degree, I can claim some improvement in many cases.

"The diet I prescribe, varied to some extent in each individual case, includes one pint of vegetable juice per day, such as carrot, lettuce and celery juices, prepared freshly, plenty of raw vegetables, particularly peas, beans, carrots, spinach, lettuce, whole wheat bread, supplemented by wheat germ, meat cooked rare, raw milk, and concentrated vitamins of various kinds." (Reprint 189, Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee 3, Wisconsin.)

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