Wednesday, January 29, 2014

what causes cancer?

Linda Clark's Get Well Naturally: p.219

What causes cancer?

1. J.R. Davidson, M.D.: "I decided to make the assumption that cancer was a deficiency disease and to follow this line of research wherever it might lead me.... In 10 years of experiments with white mice it was possible to observe cancer in rapid development during several generations, a thing which could not be done in the case of human patients....One strain I fed on a diet of high vitamin content and the fourth generation was a fine, healthy animal with no trace of cancer whatever....[Another strain] I fed on a very poor diet, and at the end of the fourth generation...I succeeded in developing a strain of mice with 100 per cent cancer. Then taking the offspring of this strain, I fed them a high vitamin diet and eventually developed a strain which would resist cancer....This established to my satisfaction...that cancer is directly dependent on diet..." (Cancer, A Nutritional Deficiency, Reprint No.18, Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee 3, Wisconsin.)
2. Two teenagers, in joint research at Yeshiva University, also uncovered information that cancer is linked with nutritional deficiency. The research was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Robert D. Barnard, a consultant to the Cancer research division of the Department of Health, New York City, and was read to the Fifth International Congress on Nutrition. The conclusion of their investigations was summed up: "...that cancer is merely a local manifestation of a bodywide-deficiency and can sometimes be treated by feeding patients substances that accelerate cell growth." (New York Times, September 3, 1960.)
3. Other factors found by investigation to contribute to cancer are:

  1. viral infections
  2. trauma (accidental or surgical injury)
  3. hormone imbalance
  4. radiation
  5. malnutrition
  6. constant irritation of latent bacterial (and spirochetal) infections and chemical irritations.
"Alexander Berglas, member of the Cancer Research Foundation of the Pasteur Institute, indicates that anything which serves as constant irritation is capable of causing cancer. He states as examples, 'Irritation and deficiency factors ill cause the regulatory mechanisms to fail'...factors such as 'industrial noxae' (poisons), denatured nutrition, artificial fertilizers, production of adulterated foods, accumulation of insecticides in foodstuffs." (Report: The Public Wants to Know Independent Citizens Research Foundations, 71 West 23rd street, New York City.)

4. Smoking, air pollution, and stress have also been found to be contributing factors.

5. D.T. Quigley, M.D., late of Omaha, Nebraska, and a cancer specialist says, "One of the few things we do know at the present time about cancer is that it is a disease which follows another disease. It is never primary, but always secondary. It never grows on healthy tissues, but always on previously diseased tissues. The part of a body on which a cancer grows has a special soil on which the invader finds a favorable environment. If the soil is not prepared in advance, the cancer simply cannot and will not take root and grow....Whether the immediate cause of cancer may be ultimately found to be a virus, a fungus, a bacillus, or a chemical compound makes little difference in the question of prevention. The important fact is that the diseased area on which the cancer finds its suitable soil must not be allowed to exist. By the prevention of locally diseased areas in the body, we may prevent cancer." (The National Malnutrition, Milwaukee 3, Wisconsin: Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, 1943.)

In 1943, Dr. Quigley showed many slides at a meeting of the American Academy of Applied Nutrition, of patients before and after surgical removal of cancer. He said that in over 30 years of experience, not one of his patients who had followed his dietary recommendations had had recurrences of cancer!

6. Irritation. There is no such thing as a common 'carcinogenic' factor- the mechanism of action of 'carcinogenic substances; being always and solely a matter of constant irritation....Irritation and deficiency factors will cause the refulatory mechanisms to fail...." (alexander Berglas, Cancer: Nature, Cause and Cure, Paris :Pasteur Institute 1957.)

Some Specific Irritants (Carcinogens)


Albert Brandt, reporter: "There is a great deal of evidence connecting the excessive consumption of sugar, regined or not, with cancer. Novel prize-winner Dr. Otto Meyerhoff of the University of Pennsylvania Medical School called attention to 'the appetite of tumors for sugar' and suggested that the growth of cancerous tissue might possibly be stopped if biochemists could find a way of curing this appetite." (Refined Sugar Can Wreck Your Health, Reprint, Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee 3, Wisconsin.)


"Some states have outlawed the use of fluoroscopy in the fitting of shoes. The United States Public Healh Service has recommended that the widespread use of the photo-chest X Ray survey be discontinued. The hazards of x-ray exposure were emphasized by measurements reported from the Department of Radiobiology at the Massachusetts General Hospital." (The New England Journal of Medicine, January 29, 1959, p.197.)
The American Public Health Association recommends that before submitting to any examination you should ask the doctor these questions:
  • Is the examination necessary?
  • Who is to make the examination?
  • Has he received formal training in radiology?
  • Is the assisting technician certified or qualified by formal training?
(Changing Times, February 1959.)

"Xrays should definitely be avoided during the early months of pregnancy, four experts warned. This means that they should be avoided whenever possible in at least the first three months, and there should be no such thing as "routine" x-rays....It has recently been discovered that one of the largest doses to the reproductive organs is received in the dental chair where 15 to 20 exposures are shot in a sitting position and the rays are directed downward toward the pelvis." (Science News Letters, August 22, 1959. p. 118.)

"Dr. Milton T. Edgerton of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, presented data at the National Cancer Conference in Minneapolis showing that in more than eight of every ten cases of thyroid cancer n children under 17 years of age, the patient had received substantial x-ray exposure of the head, neck or chest region years earlier for some non-cancerous condition such as acne, sinusitis or enlarged thymus gland.  These exposures Dr. Edgerton said, are very many times more severe than those received in chest x-ray and in dental diagnosis. The interval between the x-ray and in dental diagnosis. The interval between the x-ray treatment and the development of thyroid cancer, he said, ranged from about three to twelve years, with the average around eight. The data suggest, he added, that the thyroid gland of infants and children is markedly more susceptible to cancer producing effects of radiation than is the thyroid gland of adults." (Science section, New York Times, September 18, 1960.)

"Excessive exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet rays can change certain CHEMICALS on the skin to cancer-producing substances, warns Dr. T.R. Allen. More than 90 percent of all skin cancers occur on exposed areas. Most susceptible are the fair skinned who should be particularly careful to avoid overexposure.

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