Wednesday, January 8, 2014

There are signs everywhere

I'll admit that even before I was diagnosed with stage 2 hodgkin's lymphoma, I had lost sight of "the signs" that I had been so used to seeing and following my entire life. You might say that I was jaded, sidetracked and just stopped being connected to that plane of being.

It's been about 6 months now where it seems like I am getting back on track and now I'm recognizing all of those things all over again. Some of the signs are personal to me, and others are like the photo above. I was on a beach in Puerto Rico and this leaf from a tree nearby fluttered, flew and landed next to me. It was a reminder to me that love is everywhere and that I was being looked after.

I know it sounds hokey but I truly believe it. Going through hell, connecting back to prayer, meditation and the divine has taught me so many things in what it seems a small amount of time again even though it was something I already knew.

So imagine my surprise when I was wondering if I was on track a few weeks ago at my parents house. I was wandering around the basement looking for the cat, and I found him. Big, fat, fluffy cat was sitting in the boiler room where he had dragged his bed. When I looked down there was a super-old book staring up at me called, 'Get Well Naturally by Linda Clark' [1965].

I bring it up to my parents and asked, where did this book come from? No one remembered it for the life of them, but there it was.

I turn a crinkled, yellowing page into the book and it's about ALL the natural cures for various diseases. Obviously, I look up Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Cancer.

"R.A. Holman, MD-- Cancer is, of course, a condition which has been recognized in man for thousands of years....In recent decades we have become aware that there is an ever increasing number of physical and chemical agents which can cause cancer in laboratory animals and in man, e.g. x-rays, ultra-violet light, radium, certain dyestuffs, soot, tar, etc....In my opinion, the only common denominator is the cell upon these agents act...
"As a result of the rapid technological advances, large numbers of physical and chemical agents have been placed or released into man's external and internal environment with little thought about the possible long term effect of these on his own cells....On top of these the body may manufacture certain cancer producing chemicals as a result of other stimuli....Alexander Berglas regards the notion that we could control these environmental agents as utopian, and, therefore, demands an all-out attack on finding a cure for cancer a trult defeatist attitude....
"Our two main therapeutic weapons at present day are amputation of the growth by surgical means, and a variety of forms of radiation. Numerous workers have pointed out that such measure are merely temporary and restricted stop-gaps, and this is borne out by the poor survival rates after the use of such measures. The real attack on the treatment of malignant growths must come from intelligent interference with the catalase-peroxide mechanism (catalase is a body enzyme...)"

I'm going to stop there for today because I think that's a lot of information to process. There is so much more to come.

Lots of love and light to you all,
the globetrotting gamine

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful! Keep doing what you are doing. The blog is GREAT <3
