"It is also obvious that the control of air pollution demands our most urgent attention...a good oxygen intake is essential for good health...oxygen is ESSENTIAL for the removal and destruction of many toxic agents present in or on our cells...
"many drugs now used can interfere with cell respiration...
"x-rays and other forms of irradiation are known to inhibit catalase.
"chemical filth (pollution) is a major public health hazard of time...
"Cancer prevention, the only effective scientific method of controlling the disease, can show results if we pull together and reform some of our bad habits so prevalent in our civilized way of living."
These excerpts are quoted from Dr. Holman's monograph with his permission. They were also published by Prevention (May, 1963) and labeled by that magazine as one of its most significant articles.
2. "Malcolm Lawrence", pseudonym for a well-known reporter:
"Economically, cancer is one of the most important diseases to both doctor and patient. To the former the flow of money is 'in'; to the latter the flow is 'out'. It is no less than astounding that a surgical procedure which hardly has one long-term survival to boast of is still followed if the patient can afford it. Some students of the subject believe that a poor cancer patient has a better chance for survival than a rich one because the poor man might escape the full surgical treatment.
"To dispel any doubt, conside the interview given some time ago by a non-conformist surgeon, Dr. Paul R. Hawley...president of the American College of Surgeons. He told a reporter that one..."would be shocked at the amount of unnecessary surgery is performed." (U.S. News and World Report, Feb. 1953).
According to this article, the reporter asked: "Why do you suppose a doctor makes an unnecessary operation?"
"Money," Dr. Hawley replied.
"Just plain dishonest money-making?...Do you think there are doctors who would do this just for the sake of money?" the interviewer pressed.
Said Dr. Hawley, "I don't think it, I know it, and I can prove it."
Dr. Hawley may or may not have been talking about cancer surgery; however, no more lucrative field for the surgeon's knife exists in the entire kingdom of medicine.
Why is it that independent researchers in the field of cancer who believe they have something worthwhile can never get any place with the American Cancer Society? The Society spends millions of dollars to tell the public that it is looking in every nook and cranny for the answer to cancer. But as soon as a scientist comes along who is not a cog in the finely meshing wheels of organized medical research, he is put under the thumb of the "recognized" researchers. He either has to sign away personal rights to his discovery, or (more likely) he is stalled and ignored.
3. Excerpts from Hearings before a Subcommitte of the United States Senate, conducted by Senator Claude Pepper, July 1-3 1946
Dr. M.: "...A survey made by Dr. Stanley Reimann of cancer cases in Pennsylvania over a long period of time showed that those who received no treatment lived longer than those who received surgery, x-ray or radium. The exceptions were those patients who had received electrosurgery-- in other words, the surgery with an electrical knife-- and lived approximately as long as those who received no treatment whatsoever. The survey also showed that following the use of radium and x-ray much more harm that good was done to the average cancer patient. This is a conclusion which is not generally accepted and is highly controversial among leading cancer workers. It would appear that none of the routine measures employed today to combat cancer is as effective as their proponents would have us believe."
4. W. A. Dewey, M.D., former professor of medicine at the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College, said, "...In a practice of nearly 45 years I have yet to see a single case of cancer, save a few semi-malignant epitheliomata, cured by surgery, x-ray or radium."
5. Profesor Hardin B. Jo;nes, Department of Biophysics, University of California Medical School, declared that there was evidence to indicate that untreated cases of cancer survive longer than those that are treated. (From "Demographic Consideration of the Cancer Problem," Transactions of the New York Academy of Science, Series II, Vol. 1, No.4 [1956],
6.F. Allen Rutherford, M.D., who received his training from Johns Hopkins and University of Pennsylvania Medical Schools, and has served as coroner of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, as well as on the teaching staff of the University of Pennsylvania, Department of Urology, says, "Surgeons can only hope that their operations will be effective in removing cancer; radiologists can only hope that they have been able to burn out the cancerous areas; doctors who inject various chemicals can only hope that the cancer will be eradicated before the patient dies. None of them can look at a patient and say with any surety that the treatment they plan to use will be effective." (Form an interview with Prevention magazine.)
7. The FitzGerald Report:
A Report to a Senate Committee on the Need for Investigation of Cancer Research Organizations, carried in the Congressional Record of August 28, 1953, Pages 5690-93.
From Benedict F. FitzGerald, Jr. special counsel to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.
To: Hon. JOhn W. Bricker and members of the Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee of the United States Senate.
Subject:Progress report on study requested by the late Senator Charles W. Tobey.
"Pursuant to the above, the undersigned commenced a collection and study of material covering the operations of foundations, hospitals, clinics and government sponsored organizations specializing in cancer problems...
"I have approached this problem with an open mind. Recognizing the importance of men skilled in the science of medicine, who are best informed, if not qualified, on the question of cancer, its causes and treatment, I directed my attention to the propaganda by the American Medical Association and the American Cancer Society to the effect: namely, that radium, x-ray therapy and surgery after the only recognized treatments for cancer.
"Is there any dispute among recognized medical scientists in America and elsewhere in the world on the use of radium and X-ray therapy in the treatment of cancer? The answer is definitely, yes; there is division of opinion on the use of radium and x-ray. both agencies are DESTRUCTIVE and not constructive. In the alleged destruction of the abnormal, outlaw or cancer cells, both x-ray therapy and radium destroy normal tissue and normal cells. Recognized medical authorities in America and elsewhere state positively that x-ray therapy can cause cancer in and of itself. Documented cases are available.
"If radium, x-ray or surgery or either of them is the complete answer, then the greatest hoax of the age is being perpetrated upon the people by the continued appeal for funds for further research. If neither x-ray, radium or surgery is the complete answer to the dreaded disease, and I submit that it is NOT, then what is the plain duty of society? Should we STAND STILL? Should we sit idly by and count the number of physicians, surgeons, and cancerologists who re not only divided, but who, because of fear or favor, are forced to line up with the so-called accepted view of the American Medical Association, or should the committee make a full scale investigation of the organized effort to hinder, suppress and restrict the free flow of drugs which allegedly have proven successful in cases where clinical records, case history, pathological reports, and z-ray photographic proof, together with the alleged cured patients, are available?
"Accordingly, we should determine whether existing agencies, both public and private, are engaged in and have pursued a policy of harassment, ridicule, slander and libelous attacks on others sincerely engaged in stamping out this curse of mankind. Have medical associations, through their offices, agents, servants, and employees engaged in this practice? My investigation to date should convince this Committee that a conspiracy does exist to stop the free flow and use of drugs in interstate commerce which allegedly has solid therapeutic value. Public and private funds have been thrown around like confetti at a country fair to close up and destroy clinics, hospitals and scientific research laboratories which do not conform to the viewpoint of medical associations.
"How long will the American people take this?
"In this connection this Committee should investigate the advertising agency which control all advertising in the Journal of the American Medical Association as well as the various State Journals. Why is the stamp of approval, by the so-called nutrition experts and their Council on Foods, placed on certain foodstuffs, denied to others, and others condemned without a reasonable investigation? Is there a relationship between approval by these experts and the operation of the advertising agency in the offices of the American Medical Association?
Respectfully Submitted,
Benedict F. Fitzgerald
Special Counsel
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