Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Healthy, Happy 2014 to all!

I sincerely hope you had the best New Year's Eve ever-- and that you will make sure your 2014 rocks!

Remember, the divine is always looking out for each one of us.
Whenever you offer up your prayers to God, make sure you also pray for your enemies, too-- we all need guidance, light and love.

I've learned a lot since my almost one month hiatus from this blog. I am so excited to share everything with all of you and so thankful that you are on this journey with me.

What my goals are for 2014? I have no idea...I honestly haven't sat down long enough to go over this in my mind- but once I do, well-- better late than never.

Last year was the worst NYE ever. Literally. It was my fourth AVD chemo but they had added bleomyacin which caused toxic shock to my swollen eyes, caused me to hallucinate, pass out, and not come to until about an hour before the ball dropped. I had no idea how hard 2013 would be, but I made it out alive with God to Thank and now I'm going to live life to the fullest.

I do have some goals off hand that I will share with you--

  1. massively detox my body from all the poisons they pumped in me between November 2012 and August 2013.
  2. exercise. hike. swim. with dolphins. with sharks. with stingrays. I'm going to do it all as much as I can.
  3. Get another book published?
  4. Educate myself on nutrition, hopefully leading to some sort of opportunity or profession (wink, wink)
What are your goals?

How was your New Year's Eve?

Please let me know how you are!

Love and light and health to you all!

the globetrotting gamine

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