Thursday, April 30, 2015
research, research, research
i always tell everyone to do their own research and to respect their own bodies. after all, you know your own body better than any one else does. i am not a doctor, do not have a medical degree, but probably read at least one book a day. so whatever i write, or learn, is from my own vast research, and you should seriously do your own <3
like i said, i began reading the book, Tox-Sick by Suzanne Somers and have no idea why it was poopoo'd by some "medical" people. Obviously, Suzanne writes from her experiences, point of view, and states it outright. However, there are doctors, scientists, medical journal article info in her book that prove this. People who have not picked up and glanced at the inside of the book agree with panicking medical people writing the articles...I'm sure many have not read Tox-Sick either.
So for the next few weeks, I want to break down different parts of the book (which i've wrote in entirely, by the way...) for you guys, based on my experiences and opinions.
So, what I wanted to talk about:
"One of the most extensive studies of Americans' toxic burden was funded by the Environmental WOrking Group, and conducted at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Researchers tested nine adults, none of whom worked in industries that would expose them to high levels of environmental poisons; well-known journalist Bill Moyers was one of them. All were tested for the presence of 210 contaminants that have been globally recognized as persistent pollutants (like DDT). The results of the participants' blood and urine showed he presence of 167 of the 210 contaminants, with an average of 91 in any given person. Each person tested had an average of:
-53 brain chemicals that have been linked to cancer.
-63 compounds toxic to the central nervous system, including the brain.
-58 compounds toxic to the endocrine (hormonal) system.
-55 compounds that are toxic to the immune system and frequently lead to autoimmunity (fibromyalgia, lupus, multiple sclerosis) and an impaired ability to fight infections."
So imagine, the air we breathe, the water we drink (if bottled or tap), and then everything you're adding to your body in your "food", makeup, hair stuff, lotions, nail polish, when you clean your home, when you wash your clothes...
then it's not hard to wonder why we are so toxic.
i used to wonder why so many 28-35 year olds had hodgkin's lymphoma.
when i would ask my oncologist how the lymphatic system worked, he had no idea. said i got cancer because it's just a freak thing. I was not allowed to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, or go get colon hydrotherapy.
i am not making this stuff up.
so i didn't know anything about the lymphatic system and hodgkin's lymphoma or detoxing (except that alcoholics or people addicted to drugs did this), or cleanses, until I was done with AVD chemo, ICE chemo, and then the worst chemo that nearly killed me (i think it did, actually) followed up with a stem cell transplant. all these i was scared into doing because my oncologist kept telling me i had 3 months to live. who wants to give up their life? so i trusted them and believed them, but the "system" failed me.
If i had known then what I know now, or knew a year ago, I never would have gone that path and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies.
But there are so many things we can do to cleanse the body...
-eat better (no processed foods, sugars, alcohol)
-vitamins and supplements that will help promote detox (spirulina, chlorella, activated charcoal, etc.)
-chew some cloves daily (kills parasites along with...)
-...eating some garlic daily (sooo many benefits!)
-colon hydrotherapy (removes harmful buildup of toxins from colon and intestines.
-essiac tea (cleanses blood)
-rebounding (moves lymph)
-dry brushing (moves lymph)
-dandelion tea (cleanses)
I've done all these things...a lot, some every day. and i'm wondering...if other people knew just a little bit of my entire story, maybe it would help.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
clean produce vs. dirty produce
Just a helpful hint for you guys....
If you have to, you can buy non-organic:
If you have to, you can buy non-organic:
- onions
- garlic
- pineapple
- avocado
- asparagus
- sweet pea
- mangos
- eggplant
- cantaloupe
- kiwi
- cabbage
- watermelon
- sweet potatoes
- grapefruits
- mushrooms
- apples
- celery
- strawberries
- peaches
- spinach
- nectarines
- grapes
- sweet bell peppers
- potatoes
- blueberries
- lettuce
- kale
- collard greens
It's been a while since I've written...
...and I hope you are all well!
There has been a lot going on (still!) on my end, and I find that I like being busy. But sometimes, do you ever feel the need to just have a few hours to do nothing?
I picked up some new books and hobbies I will be sharing with you case you aren't following my instagram. The list of what I'd like to do, see, and learn is endless.
For the next few weeks, I will be sharing with you some "thinkers" from Suzanne Somer's new book, Tox-Sick. I try to follow up with as many stories as I can ( ;) ) that I have lived through and been through.
Also, this article here has pissed me off:
Why it pisses me off:
1- Um, cancer isn't funny. How ridiculous and petty does someone have to be to fake an illness? Who raised her?
2- First of all, eating whole foods and using alternative therapies...given that I don't know which therapies she used because I'd never even heard of here...there is the whole theory of detox that everyone in general needs to obtain optimum health.
3- I always believe in doing my own research. I don't go around believing everything someone says. It would be ridiculous if people did that. I want to learn to cure my body naturally, how to detox properly, what to eat, how to eat it...there is not one right way for everyone so why should one person have so much influence. I encourage everyone to do more research on health, wellness, and nutrition. If you don't, how will you learn anything?
4- People who fake a disease? I am trying not to judge, but do you want to try any chemo treatments that I've tried? I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
Educate yourselves, peeps. And have a beauuuuuutiful weekend.
Love me,
the globetrotting gamine
There has been a lot going on (still!) on my end, and I find that I like being busy. But sometimes, do you ever feel the need to just have a few hours to do nothing?
I picked up some new books and hobbies I will be sharing with you case you aren't following my instagram. The list of what I'd like to do, see, and learn is endless.
For the next few weeks, I will be sharing with you some "thinkers" from Suzanne Somer's new book, Tox-Sick. I try to follow up with as many stories as I can ( ;) ) that I have lived through and been through.
Also, this article here has pissed me off:
Australian wellness guru Belle Gibson reportedly built her career around claims she survived several different kinds of cancer with alternative medicine, but this week, she confessed that it was all a lie.
"No. None of it's true," she reportedly told The Australian Women's Weekly magazine in an issue on stands today.
Gibson, 23, claimed to have had blood, brain, liver, spleen and uterus cancers, according toMashable, which published a skeptical piece about the embattled entrepreneur last month. The Whole Pantry writer said she cured herself by shirking traditional medicine, eating whole foodsand using alternative therapies instead, according to Australian Women's Weekly.
"I don't want forgiveness," the Australian Women's Weekly reported her saying. "I just think [speaking out] was the responsible thing to do. Above anything, I would like people to say, 'OK, she's human.'"
ABC News reached out to Gibson through The Whole Pantry App but did not receive a response.
In addition to blogging, Gibson founded The Whole Pantry app, published a recipe book and had hundreds of thousands of social media followers. She appears to have deleted her Instagramposts.
Earlier today, Gibson allegedly tweeted from the Whole Pantry App account, "For the record, I haven't retreated to the United States. and didn't. Media, continue to 'humiliate and condemn' - Belle."
Unfounded claims of having cancer aren't new, but this is different because Gibson was offering unproven advice to a wide audience for profit, NYU Langone bioethicist Arthur Caplan told ABC News. He said the case should serve "as a reminder that there are people out there willing to prey on the desperate and the vulnerable."
"It is beyond despicable that you would give advice to people with terminal diseases like cancer and have them forgo the only therapies that might offer some hope," Caplan said. "I admit that the therapies often are poor, but that's all there is. To talk about alternatives that don't work, claiming that they did work on you is to not only step over the ethical line, it is to throw yourself into ethics hell.
Why it pisses me off:
1- Um, cancer isn't funny. How ridiculous and petty does someone have to be to fake an illness? Who raised her?
2- First of all, eating whole foods and using alternative therapies...given that I don't know which therapies she used because I'd never even heard of here...there is the whole theory of detox that everyone in general needs to obtain optimum health.
3- I always believe in doing my own research. I don't go around believing everything someone says. It would be ridiculous if people did that. I want to learn to cure my body naturally, how to detox properly, what to eat, how to eat it...there is not one right way for everyone so why should one person have so much influence. I encourage everyone to do more research on health, wellness, and nutrition. If you don't, how will you learn anything?
4- People who fake a disease? I am trying not to judge, but do you want to try any chemo treatments that I've tried? I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
Educate yourselves, peeps. And have a beauuuuuutiful weekend.
Love me,
the globetrotting gamine
Thursday, April 16, 2015
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