For anyone who knows me, I research to the point of sheer exhaustion. Having cancer definitely woke me up and even though I went through "conventional treatment", waking up and doing this research will never have me go down that route again.
Today, I write about an inspirational heroine, Tamara St. John, who cured her cancer naturally and is an all-around wellness guru. Just a trip down her facebook page can educate one so much more than a trip to your doctor's office.
We need more people out there like her.
Of course, people are free to do what they will with information they receive from everywhere. If you don't feel comfortable with what your doctors are telling you, speak up. If you don't feel comfortable taking charge of your own health, don't.
As a counselor, I am not a diagnostician. All I can say is, take care of you. Educate yourselves!
Here, the incomparable Tamara St. John answers some of my questions that I thought would be beneficial to any health-nut enthusiast, cancer-killer, and curious peep.
Many thanks to Tamara! Love you, and keep it up! We all learn so much from you!
Q: What prompted you on the quest for all things health and wellness?
A: When I found Cancer is what changed my life to begin healing my own Cancer since I was without money or insurance.
Q: Your other passions include..... hiking, ice skating, exploring.
Q: What inspires you?
A. I inspire myself to keep going. There is no one person that motivates me to keep going, it is all within and with God’s power.
Q. Has your research and knowledge changed your life?
A. Yes, it brought me to the truth about how people can become their own doctors and heal themselves if they take the time to listen to their bodies, detoxify their bodies properly, and change their diet.
Q: What would you say to someone who challenges the health and wellness lifestyle?
A. Anyone who doesn’t believe that diet and detox makes a difference in health has not used the two correctly. Many are so brainwashed by western medicine’s theory of drugs and surgery that they don’t bother to know the truth.
Q: How would you encourage a new-comer to a healthier, happier lifestyle?
A. All I do is provide the knowledge for people to make their own decisions on health. It usually takes an illness for someone to change their diet for the better.
Q: Where can we find some of your work?
A. My book; “Defeat Cancer Now” details how I healed my Cancer naturally and which treatments I had chosen, as well as how to detoxify the body properly and change of diet. The book can be found via my website at
Q: Are there any resources to begin a newbie on their own quest?
A. I share daily tips on being healthy and healing the body naturally on my Alternative Health Solutions facebook page at alternativehealthsolutions1
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