Wednesday, June 17, 2015


From First Magazine:

"Go for 70% alkaline. Aim to fill 70% of your daily diet with nutrient-rich, alkalinizing foods. Top choices include all  veggies; citrus fruits; tomatoes; avocadoes; edamame; lima and navy beans; raw almonds; quinoa; spelt; buckwheat; olive, flaxseed and coconut oil, coconut milk and almond milk. Cook suggests using coconut or almond milk instead of cow's milk."

"For in a deep breathing break. Oxygen is alkalinizing to the body, so the deeper we breathe, the better we are keeping that pH balance," says Cook. "Oxygen feeds all our cells, but most people hold their breath without realizing it." For an alkalinizing boost, pause once every few hours to take a deep breath, feeling our lungs expand as you inhale through your mouth for 5 seconds, then exhale through your nose for another 5 seconds. Cont. for one."

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